23 December 2008

Advent - Love

Greetings and Merry Christmas Dear Reader,

What have we done with the word love? It is such a small word but contains so much power. I am going to abandon my usual approach to these things and just offer up some random thoughts. I leave for Georgia today to spend Christmas with my Son, Bezel and my parents and siblings. As I drive I will be thinking about love. Here are the questions I am going to ponder. Perhaps some of them should dance through your thoughts as well.

How do we show others that we love them?
How do we see Christ’s love for us actively in our daily lives?
Do we really know how to love or do we manufacture it when necessary?
When we feel loved by someone else, what is our response?
When someone says that they love us, do we really hear it?
Why do all those who do not know Christ not hear him crying out that he loves them so much?
Is it possible my actions toward others keep them from hearing Christ because I claim to be one of his followers?
How do I show others how much I love Christ?
Do you really believe that you can say that you love Christ and treat others with anything less than the love you need from him?
Do we know how to show love to others in the way Christ does, no matter how we feel?

I am sure there are many more questions to ask, but what I wish to say to all of you is that I love you all, collectively and individually. I will do my best to show it and ask in advance for forgiveness when I fail.

As we close out our preparation for Advent this year, I hope that we truly cling to the coming event of Christ’s appearing and what that means for us all.

Wishing you all joy in the journey and a Merry Christmas,

Aramis Thorn

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