12 January 2009

Clean and Organize

Greetings Beloved Readers,

Today is both National Clean Off Your Desk Day and Organize Your Home Day. Trying to do both in one day seems like trying to eat an elephant. I have two desks that both need cleaning. We have not yet put up Christmas and there is heaps to do around the house.

I like order and neatness but I seem to disturb it more than I contribute to it. I love the feeling of walking into a space that is neat and proper, but it is my entry that seems to diminish its order. It will be an easy thing to unclutter my desk. It will be a far different thing to keep it that way. I also find that I function better in an environment that is a little cluttered.

Perhaps we are all authors of chaos. We bring our own sense of order to things. For me it is a bit of clutter, but as that bit grows it quickly reaches a frustrating mass. We impose things on every environment to make the place more suitable to our likes, wants, and needs. Nothing is wrong with this as long as we do not step on the needs of others in the process.

When it comes to changing the way we do things, however, I think we take on too much. We resolve to change major things but they quickly become daunting and elephantine. It is a daunting thing to say I am going to keep my desk clean all year. It is another thing to start by putting away papers as soon as I am done with them. I know I cannot give up all sweets, but I can stop eating carbs after 7 pm and not before 6 am. I cannot promise to be the man I should always be but I can determine in individual situations to do what is right in that situation.

I do not know what you need to change but I know how you can change it. Take small steps. Adjust little things to make what you do more the way you wish it to be. I know I am going to. There is after all a way to eat an elephant…one bite at a time.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn

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