10 November 2010

Thank You Veterans

Greetings Dear Readers,

I never loved the soldier until there was a war,
Or thought about tomorrow until my baby hit the floor.
I only talk to God when somebody’s about to die.
I never cherished freedom. Freedom never cries. – Five for Fighting

Let me start by saying that I hate war. Killing each other is the poorest way to solve problems there is. I am also pretty sure that it flies in the face of the command to “Love your enemies.” That said, tomorrow is Veterans’ Day. Because people are willing to kill each other over resources, land, power, and wealth a standing militia is a necessary thing.

I want to stand tall and strong and thank the individuals who wear the uniforms of our military for their service. We all know someone who has put on a uniform and left behind family and career to put themselves in harm’s way for our freedom. There is always a price to pay for freedom. There is always someone who dies so that I can go to Wal-Mart whenever I wish. I do not have to worry about Pizza-Hut being blown up whilst I have my bacon and pineapple pizza.

I have a Daughter-in-Law that is a veteran. She is an amazing person who is artistic, intelligent, and compassionate. I love her dearly and do not get to show it often enough. She put her life on the line to save the lives of both our troops and those of our enemies. She showed compassion to those who would have killed her had they had the chance.

Everyone knows someone who has risked all for our freedom. The entire country is lessened when a veteran has needs that are unmet. Every soldier is a volunteer. Every one that returns from war has risked all to protect my freedom. No matter what I believe about the politics involved, that is nothing compared to real men and women giving me the freedom to be whatever I choose to be.

We cannot escape the debt of love and honor we owe our veterans. We cannot neglect respecting them and their sacrifice without wounding our own souls. Tomorrow take the time to respect the veterans in your life. Reach out to them in gratitude and honor. I know I will.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."

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