03 November 2011

The Imago Dei – In All Mankind: Truth

Greetings Dear Reader,

In my journey toward a deeper understanding of the image of God inside me I must understand what qualities are innately human that contradict the human condition.  One of the things that extends from our innate morality is our value of the truth.  Even though we will justify lying for particular reasons, we as a society value truth.  Our comic heroes, specifically Superman and Captain America were known for their focus on truth as an equal part to justice.

Dishonesty seems to always damage someone even if it is the individual who is dishonest.  We hold out the truth as a value that is expected between people and in businesses.  Even when we are hypocritical with our own honesty we demand the truth from others.  No matter how dishonest we are there is something in us that is drawn to the truth.  It perplexes me how often I let my own imperfections, hurts, and passions get in the way of honestly seeking the truth.

There are those who say one cannot know absolute truth.  There are also those who deny that absolute truth even exits.  It would be long and arduous to entertain a discussion on this but it is worth discussing at some point.  Today my focus is on that part of us that yearns for truth; that something inside us that values truth even in the denial of its intrinsic value.

I know that when I am sure someone has lied to me that I want the truth.  I know that there are things about God that I yearn to know the truth about.  I know that others have offered me false answers that have led me to errors in judgment and action.  When I embrace the truth, no matter how painful, there is freedom. 

When Jesus claimed to be the truth he was stating that he was “what is true in any matter under consideration.” (Thayer)  We can ponder and postulate all we wish about what is true and what is not.  We can compartmentalize God or build false theologies based on our own greed or need.  The only thing that leads us to truth is honest pursuit of it.

We know that there is truth.  I think that God creates the innate desire for it in us so that we will seek him.  There are so many lies out there designed to draw us away from the truth that is Christ.  Even those claiming to follow Christ sometimes propagate lies in order to gain power and a following.  Unfortunately their actions cloud the truth about who God is.  God wishes for us to know the truth but he also wants us to have faith.  He wishes for us to seek him in truth.  Ironically we only find him when we lay aside our anger, selfishness, and preconceptions and seek him honestly.   

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store."

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