05 April 2012

Holy Week 2012 – Thursday: From Light to Darkness

Greetings Dear Reader,

The shadows of night are where the suffering begins for Christ.  He presides over the Passover meal where his friends falsely profess their loyalty.  He goes to the garden to pray.  He finds there great grief and pain before the lash, the first, or the cross touch him.  His friends fall asleep, he bleeds from his pours, and a friend hands him over to the soldiers.

God sends angels to comfort him but it must have reminded Christ of the deep darkness to come.  How many slept whilst God was betrayed and beaten.  We talk about Judas’ betrayal.  Do we consider that everyone fled from his side that night?  Even as he was arrested he showed mercy to his captors.

Just a few days ago Jesus rode into town in full daylight.   Lauded as Hosanna the King of Kings he came to Jerusalem.  Now the night has come and evil men seek his life. Because he is willing they shall have it.  The darkness gathers and descends on an ancient world.  In that darkness is promise.  In that darkness is communion.  In that deep dark death is our chance to live.

There is no story, movie, or song more compelling.  On the wings of that darkness on that night flies the hope of all mankind.  The Light of the World will be extinguished for a moment so that he may rekindle in us.  My darkness causes this.  My nightmares draw the chariot that compels him to death.  My kiss betrays him.  My fists tear out his beard and punch his face.  My hands twist the crown of thorns and force it on his head.  My hand wields the lash, the hammer, and the spear.  

It is me in the crowd jeering at him.  It is me standing far off denying that I know him.  It is my voice that threatens Pilate if he does not crucify this man.  It is my hands that are washed of the matter.  It is my sin that puts him on the cross.  I am the one who makes it necessary for the Lord of Light to journey into darkness because he does so to rescue me.

How dare I ever question his love for me. I dare I ever abandon following with all my heart for even a moment.  Sunday cannot come too quickly.

And we plead and we pray
For a glimmer of day
As the night folds its wings and descends – Dan Fogelberg.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn

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