05 December 2012

A Season of Giving – Concluding Thoughts

Greetings Dear Reader,

I want to be very clear about this.  The most important thing about Christmas for me is Jesus.  I love the decorations, the music, and I often wish I was really Santa.  At the core of all of that is the desire to be giving at a level that makes others see Christ more clearly.  My motivation in giving is to learn to give always to emulate the attitude that Jesus has.

The best gift I can give anyone is to be more patient, cheerful, and kind in hopes of them seeing the love that Jesus has for them.  Everything about who I am is an attempt to learn to be more like Christ.  I despise more and more the hedge of trappings and practices that seem to obscure the image of Christ as the God who came to be with us so that he could bring us home to him.

The idea of giving is supposed to be rooted in the gift that is Jesus to the world.  I genuinely love the brief window of time that people allow for kindness and cheerfulness that is the Christmas season.  I try to recondition my spirit of giving so that it continues until the next season.  I want to be kind and gentle.  I want to be patient and giving.  I want to be jolly. 

These things can only become real if I seek opportunities to live them out.  This is why I take the time to ponder the things that will be giving to others and give them hands and feet.

“If you want to arrange it; this world you can change
it; if we can somehow make this Christmas thing last;
by helping a neighbor or even a stranger. 
To know who needs help, you need only just ask.” - Christmas Eve and Other Stories

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store."

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