19 May 2013

A Christian Nation – My (Our) Responsibility

Greetings Dear Reader,

Jesus made it clear that we are accountable to the governments that are over us.  We are to pay our taxes.  We are to obey the law.  The government provides certain things for us as well.  Roads and a power infrastructure are very nice. 

There is, however, an area where I may not relegate my responsibility to Christ.  It is the Christ follower who has been charged by God to care for the homeless, the sick, the imprisoned, the poor, the widow, and the orphan.  It is Christ followers who are to make the reality of the Gospel known through their care for those in need.

I have not right to protest things that are political in these areas if I am not doing something practical to relieve the burden.  I have no right to rail against sin that I find more socially unacceptable than mine when what I am supposed to do is assure that my actions aid in the care of the sinners.  I am supposed to compel the church I attend to address these needs.  I am supposed to attend to them even if no one else does.

The church has lost much of its credibility because it has in large relegated the social care of others to the state.  We are not allowed to relegate the charges that Christ gives us to the government or any other body.  The church and more importantly I am supposed be responsible to both Christ and my fellow humans for the social well-being of those around me.

If the church wishes to stand against abortion then why are they not caring for women with unwanted pregnancy in such a way that it seems foolish to go anywhere else?  If the church is going to take a social stance on health care why are not more church directing resources toward free or low cost heath care? If we find a problem with social welfare programs then why are we not assuring the welfare of society?

There is no substitute for Christ followers acting in love to relieve the burdens of others.  There is no limit to the amount resources that God will provide if the church channels them to the needs of others.  If we relegate the care of others to the state we should not be surprised when people and the state have little use for us.  This is not a Christian nation.  It is a nation of people who know in souls what Christ followers should be and what responsibilities they carry.  If I and you Dear Reader do not live out those responsibilities how can we expect to be relevant?  How can we hope to be heard?

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store."

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