31 August 2013

Dare You to Move – Welcome to Resistanc

Greetings Dear Reader,

Electrical Cord Burned by Resistance
In electrical terms resistance is the impedance of flow of current through a conductor.  You do not need to understand all the science behind this to get that it can be a bad thing.  For example if you use a long extension cord with a power saw that is not thick enough the resultant heating can burn through the cord.  The electrical impedance causes heating as the current is forced through the medium.  Energy is lost through resistance in the form of heat and that heat causes damage. 

So why the science lesson?  We resist God.  He resists our pride.  This causes damage.  Every time I resist what God calls me to do I create damage for myself or others.  Ohms law is a great spiritual lesson.  My resistance to God and what he calls me to become is a problem for everyone.  The energy lost through my resistance causes damage to that which is around me.  Eventually there is combustion of some kind.

When I refuse to follow Christ I am resisting the natural flow for which I was created.  When I fail to do what is right I create resistance and a hazard.  The power of God is intended to flow through me into the lives of others.  When I do not allow this to happen without resisting it the energy dissipation creates a dangerous problem. 

I dare you to move.  Resistance yields tension.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn

Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store."

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