07 August 2013

Throwing Stones – First Thoughts

Greetings Dear Reader,

I recently had the opportunity to throw some stones.  I am not saying this in a figurative way but in the literal “pick up a rock and throw it” kind of way.  Since the injury to my shoulder five years ago this is a tentative practice.  I managed to get some distance with a few baseball sized stones and the resound plop and ripples in my target lake were satisfying.

Since the effort produced no pain I took a moment to thank God for the grace of being able to throw again.  This led to thoughts about the juxtaposition of throwing stones and handing out grace.  Most figurative opportunities to throw stones are also opportunities to hand out grace.

When I find that I am in a position to throw stones I must consider if I am allowed to do so.  Opportunity does not equal permission.  Opportunity does not equal the right to do something.  In light of Christ’s words concerning throwing stones I have to consider much more than whether I can do a thing.  I must always consider if I should do a thing.

When I hold the stone in my hand I am in a position of power.  What I do next is of great import in each situation.  I can do great damage if I do not choose wisely.  In each situation I must consider whether it is right in my journey with Christ to throw the stone or hand out grace. 

Do I win the argument or do I show grace and love?  That seems easy when discussing it but difficult in the moment.  I need to walk more deeply through this area.  Come with me if you wish.  As always Dear Reader, I value your input.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn

Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store."

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