05 December 2013

Advent – A Week of Sundays – On Wolves

Greetings Dear Reader,

Wolves exist.  The primary predator of sheep is some kind of canine.  Wolves eat sheep.  So many wolves exist in the journey of following Christ.  Make no mistake, their only desire is to devour sheep. 

The wolves that stalk me are both subtle and obvious.  Some lurk in the shadows and others pursue me openly.  They are always ravenous.  They are always looking for an opportunity to pounce.  They howl and growl and snarl and nip.

I must both acknowledge the wolves and not worry about them.  I must realize that the moment I leave the
shadow of the shepherd that I am in grave danger.  I must live as though I am only safe in following and in keeping up.  I must live this way because it is the truth.

The wolves devour so much.  They devour truth by pulling us from the flock.  They devour faith by consuming it with doubt and troubles.  They try to devour me with distractions and diversions.  They want to chase me down paths that are not the true path.

I am only safe under the care of Christ the Shepherd.  So many things inside and outside of the church are imitations of following Christ.  So many wolves dress like sheep.  So often those who claim to follow Christ suggest things that have nothing to do with following as the things we must do. 

If I am to celebrate Advent then I must see the wolves that would distract me from following Christ in that celebration.  I must not be devoured by the greed and secular distractions.  It is in Christ and his guidance that true safety and celebration is found.  It is the Good Shepherd who can protect and nothing else that can or will.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn

Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store."

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