01 January 2014

The Real Twelve Days of Christmas – The Eighth Day

Merry Christmas Dear Reader,

First, Dear Reader I wish you a very Happy New Year.  I hope that you find all that you wish in the coming year.  I am pondering two things today as I continue my celebration of the Christmas season. 

The first is the ancient feast of the celebration of Christ’s circumcision on the eighth day.  It reminds me that Christ kept the Law of Moses in every aspect.  He was a model of all that God intended for his people.  All that is required in the law of a first born Son is included in the life of Christ. 

Even thirty years down the path when he begins to say things that a radical compared to the contemporary mind he keeps the law.  He blatantly ignores the trappings that his people have put around the law.  He knows God and follows his Father’s law.  He seeks that and our redemption with all his heart.  This process begins with parents who teach him to observe that law. 

The second thing I ponder has to do with the first.  I do not venerate Mary, Christ’s mother as much as others do but I do hold her in high regard.  What kind of mother must she have been to accept a child who from an external perspective was born of scandal?  She was always there even during his ministry years.  He saw to her care as he was giving up his life for us.

To as I move through this eighth day of Christmas I see that Christ has given me a reminder of the importance of following him as a family.  Everything about family I meant to drive me closer to Christ and his teaching.  When it does not I must always choose him over family but I must never use that as an excuse not to love them.

I will spend the day with family and friends.  There will much fun and joy in the day as I am at leisure with those I love.  I hope that you find a way to reconnect to the primary purpose of family today; that being a reminder that we are all journeying to the time when the Father completes his adoption of us into the eternal family.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn

Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store."

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