12 January 2014

What Fuels Me – The Bible

Greetings Dear Reader,

Once again I will mention that I try not to “Bible thump” in my posts.  If you needed that or I needed to do it there are plenty of sources.  I do, however, want to be clear that I read, believe, and love the Word of God.  There was a time when I had the time and I read the entire Bible through once a MONTH.  Yes, I said month.

I still read it all the way through every year at least.  I gain stronger faith and love by this activity.  It took a long time for me to come to the place where I believed the Bible.  It took some time for me to develop the habit of regular reading.  Now I feel a loss when I do not read daily.

In this book for me are the guidelines for the journey with Christ.  There are the experiences of others to teach me what to avoid.  It is a weapon against those who would destroy my faith.  It is a reminder of my need to love, forgive, and care for others.  It is where I get the answers to some of my difficult questions.  It is also where I remember that all the answers are not there for me and that I need to be OK with not having all the answers.

If I had all the answers I would not need faith.  I am bound by Christ’s command to never stop loving.  In the Bible I find the reminders I need that I must be aware and motivated by both of these things.  I know that some of you have walked away from your faith in the Word of God.  I must live out this fuel so that you see that it is real Dear Reader.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn

Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store."

1 comment:

  1. it is so real and such a joy to be learning about it. I am glad after so many years you still read regularly and find the word of God fills your soul. Happy reading :)
