16 March 2014

Three Brothers and Their Mum and a Cousin

Greetings Dear Reader,

I do not often focus on other people when I write.  When I a write fiction I focus on my audience and the story.  When I write here I try to focus on Christ and my journey toward him. 

Today in the echo my thoughts on ripples I wish to both honor and show gratitude for a family from my past.  This family is an example of how many individual acts of faith and kindness can have a cumulative impact on the lives of others.

I will not name them but I will recall some of those acts of kindness to show how the cumulative influence of goodness still echoes in the world.  First I will recall the brothers.  I met the middle brother first.  He was a leader in the youth group where I first found Christ.  He accepted a rough and angry young man and helped him see that faith in Christ had value.

His cousin and close friend helped me develop my love for music.  He was always good to me even when I was a pest.  In later years he accepted my word at a time when it mattered and stepped in to help me with a significant problem. 

I later met the youngest brother in that same youth group.  We remained friends for years after that.  He was one of the first people who ever spoke honestly with me about things in a way that challenged me.  He made me want to be a better man.

I must interrupt here to talk about their mum.  When I was in my senior year of high school I broke my leg in a way that required surgery.  That first night after the surgery I was in severe pain.  The brothers’ mum was a nurse at the hospital.  She came in during the night even though I was not under her care.  She whispered words of comfort to me and fed me ice chips.  I still carry the lessons in compassion I learned from this woman.

The eldest brother mentored me when I went to college.  He gave me guidance and opportunity.  He awakened the writer in me and helped me find voice.  He also helped me learn the value of doing something until it was right.  He taught me how to perfect things until they were the best they could be.  He taught me how to manage time and meet deadlines.

This single family has touched my life along the way in so many ways.  All of it was because of their faith and faithfulness.  All of it was in the name of Christ.  I still have tethers to them and still benefit from the times they were good to me.  Some of their music is still part of my music.  I still write because of lessons learned from them. 

This family put so many ripples out that are beautiful and strong.  They helped me become some things that never would have become.  They have helped the lives of many others.  The things they have done in the name of Christ will echo for all of time and eternity.

Thank you.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn

Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store."

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