22 April 2014

Collective Nouns Again

Greetings Dear Reader,

Some years ago I wrote about the venery of animal groups, or collective nouns for them.  I revisited the topic again later that same year but except for the research for a book on the subject I have not spoken of it in some time.

This weekend my three year old Grandson, Orion rekindled my interest in the subject of collective nouns.  It is one of those things that when I think about it I want to know all the answers.  Orion is very interested in what things are called and he insists that things have a proper moniker. 

He informed me at dinner this weekend that there is a collective noun for puffer fish.  I have a puffer fish as one of the swimming fish on my phone background.  Things that have spines or thorns are “pokey” to him.  He, therefore, declared that a group of puffer fish is a poke of puffer fish.

I found this much better than the actual collective noun for them which is a wunch.   What I found so beautiful though is the creativity that God has placed into this young boy.  He seems to have the rare quality of creativity and intelligence combined that can lead to greatness.

I hope that I can be faithful in contributing to who he is designed to be.  More so I want to remain faithful so that I can be a good example of how to treat others.  He is to beautiful a soul to not have his intellect and spirit fanned into something beautiful.  Then again, is that not what I am supposed to do for everyone?

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn

Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store."

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