29 June 2014

This May Sound Silly – Closing Thoughts

Greetings Dear Reader,

Increasingly in the world around me my faith is seen as foolish and puerile.  I have heard Christ followers called everything from knuckle dragging Neanderthals (really quite the insult to those of us who believe in creation) to misogynist fascist racists.  It seems that those of us who believe in God, the Bible, and following Jesus are stereotyped into these things by those who do not believe as we believe.

We are seen often as irrelevant and out of phase with the modern world.  It seems foolish to others that I believe things written down thousands of years ago by men who are just as flawed as I am.  They want me to live the things that are popular.  Everyone expects me to be perfect in living my faith and to love everyone.

They do not want me to speak out against issues violate my beliefs if they run counter to the current cultural climate.  I am not tolerated if I do.  I cannot have a differing view on social issues without being see as someone who hates those with whom I differ.  My sense of morality and spirituality are passed off as antiquated and uniformed.

To those who see my faith and following as foolish I have this to say:  I love you.  I respect you.  I do not want you to have any pain or suffering in your life.  I do not want you to burn in hell.  I do not think God hates you.  I am not the only Christ follower who thinks and feels this way. 

All of the things I think and feel about following Christ are very easy to sum up.  They become complicated in the unfolding of the real world but my experience is that it still works.  I have faith and I follow.  I am honest about the things I think are universally wrong but I do not hate anyone. 

I know that it is foolish to love my enemies.  I am, however, content to be seen as God’s own fool.    

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn

Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store."

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