07 August 2014

Am I Enough – Job Continues – Why?

Greetings Dear Reader,

Again it is vital that we remember that Job is not sinning in his response to the calamities that beset him.  What follows could easily be seen as wrong without this context.  I must admit that if I were in Job’s place I do not think I could maintain my integrity.  Added to his unfathomable loss his friends accuse him of secret sin.  Added to his being covered in sores maggots have infested his wounds. 

It is no surprise that Job wishes to die.  From the context it seems that he believes he will.  Remember he has not heard God’s caveat that he is not to be killed.  So in his pain, sorrow, and belief that he is dying he asks what amounts to a single question.  He knows he has no secret sin for which he is being punished.  What Job does not know is why these things have happened to him.

He desires to know the reason for God’s destruction of all that he has given him.  One of the things that I have always thought about this fine man is that if he knew that God was using him as an example to Satan he would have endured it all gladly.  God, however, is also asking a question of Job.

God is asking Job the question he asks us all:  “Am I enough?” 

I realize that this seems so very simple on the surface.  Jesus will later comment on how difficult it is for a rich man to have faith.  In all of this the question is the same.  If I have nothing else is God enough for me?  If I am abandoned and betrayed by those who are supposed to support me is God enough?  If I lose all that I have is God enough?  If I am besieged by illness is God enough? 

I always want the answer to be yes.  I also know how fallen I am.  I have seen others betray family, friends, and themselves because God is not enough for them.  When I do not keep my word then God is not enough.  When I lie then God is not enough.  When I hurt others for my own purposes then God is not enough. 

The idea of following Christ is learning that God is enough.  We will revisit Job’s question later.  For now though I need to leave it where it is.  Job like so many of us only wishes to know why.

Things I Never Knew – Pat Terry

Lord I have a question that I haven’t found an answer for
Noting seems to make it go away
Your Book was strangely silent when I turned the pages in it
Though I thought you’d surely have a word to say

I have had this question for some time without an answer
There’s a different view in everything I’ve read
At times I thought I knew it but when it got down to it
It was just some words that someone else had said

If only I were with you when you walked down here among us
We could have talked it over face to face
Though I know you never left me all alone know I long to hear your voice
Hear your words, touch your face.

Oh one day you will come for me
I’ll kneel before you humbly
We’ll talk about the things I never knew
And all the things I couldn’t see
Will simply be explained to me
In words that could only come from you

Until that day I’m waiting here with upturned face and open ear
And if my questions never bring me truth
I’ll be satisfied to know
That when my time on earth’s no more
I’ll have eternity to talk with you.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store."

Job 7:1- 21
"Isn't a mortal's stay on earth difficult like a hired hand's daily work? Like a slave, he longs for shade. Like a hired hand, he eagerly looks for his pay.  Likewise, I have been given months that are of no use, and I have inherited nights filled with misery.  When I lie down, I ask, 'When will I get up?' But the evening is long, and I'm exhausted from tossing about until dawn.  My body is covered with maggots and scabs. My skin is crusted over with sores; then they ooze. My days go swifter than a weaver's shuttle. They are spent without hope.
Remember, my life is only a breath, and never again will my eyes see anything good. The eye that watches over me will no longer see me. Your eye will look for me, but I'll be gone. As a cloud fades away and disappears, so a person goes into the grave and doesn't come back again. He doesn't come back home again, and his household doesn't recognize him anymore. So I won't keep my mouth shut, but I will speak from the distress that is in my spirit and complain about the bitterness in my soul.
"Am I the sea or a sea monster that you have set a guard over me? When I say, 'My couch may give me comfort. My bed may help me bear my pain,' then you frighten me with dreams and terrify me with visions.  My throat would rather be choked. My body would prefer death to these dreams. I hate my life; I do not want to live forever. Leave me alone because my days are so brief.
"What is a mortal that you should make so much of him, that you should be concerned about him?  What is he that you should inspect him every morning and examine him every moment? Why don't you stop looking at me long enough to let me swallow my spit?  If I sin, what can I possibly do to you since you insist on spying on people? Why do you make me your target? I've become a burden even to myself.  Why don't you forgive my disobedience and take away my sin? Soon I'll lie down in the dust. Then you will search for me, but I'll be gone!" 

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