07 April 2015

Talismans – A Dreidel

Greetings Dear Reader,

For those of you who do not know what a Dreidel is I will explain.  It is a four-sided top used in a game from the medieval period.  The game is traditionally played during Hanukkah.  You can read more about it here

The Dreidel on my desk reminds me of my Son Maxim when he was in high school.  He used to spend some of his time with friends playing the game at a diner.  It reminds me to pray for him and his relationships with God.  It reminds me of a moment when we were far apart but connected in the wee hours of the morning.

We talked over an IM service for about an hour.  He was just getting ready to sleep and I was just starting my day.  We talked about coffee, Dreidel,  and his approaching visit.  I first told him about Kopi Luwak during that chat.  He cracked up over the thought of what he called “cat poop coffee.”

He had no idea how much pain I was in during that moment.  Other forces were wreaking havoc on my spirit and his kind conversation did so much for me.  His time and the conversation pulled me back from the darkness trying to enshroud me.  I was able to face a hard day with grace and peace.

The talisman reminds every morning when I pray for my Son just how powerful he is when he is being encouraging.  It reminds me of his potential to speak good things into the lives of others.  It echoes the memory of his ability to wield faith as a mighty weapon.

I love my Son fiercely and know that God is the one who will ultimately call him back to faith.  The Dreidel reminds me to hope, pray, and believe.  It reminds me to love Maxim where he is.  It is what drives me to stand before God on his behalf.  Every time I glance at it I whisper a prayer for him. 

This talisman is one of faith.  The translation of the acrostic formed by the letters is “A miracle will happen.”  The world needs the miracle that is my Son when he moves in faith.  Perhaps you can pray for him too Dear Reader.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”

(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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