03 August 2016

Pieces of Time – Working A Job

Greetings Dear Reader,

I have had jobs I hated and jobs I loved.  Teaching was the best outside job I ever loved.  I love my current job as well.  There were others jobs that I hated.  It was hard to go to those jobs and give my pieces of time. 

It is not just the particular job.  It is the people for who one works.  It is the people with whom one works as well.  Any working part of the journey can be made easier when one works with good people or for a good cause.

So many of us work jobs we hate or with people we dislike.   The jobs we hate part is something we can control.  We could truly decide to pursue our best destinies.  We could choose to change our careers to that which inspires us.  There is always a way to change this if we are willing to do the work and take the risk.

We have less control over those for whom or with whom we work.  My approach is to be good to everyone.  Even those who are hard to work with are worthy of love and kindness.  The opportunity at my job is to do all that I can to evidence the love of Christ in every moment. 

Until I can only write for a living I must work another job.  It is also good for me to have the human interaction that is not there in the isolation of writing.  All that I do at my job is an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others.  The work I do impacts the needs of those around me.  The way in which I do it impacts my coworkers.

The job I currently have is a blessing.  I work with good people.  I have good leadership.  I am allowed to help others through my work.  The life I trade for money at this job is worth it.  Until it is time for the next thing I am content.  I wish the same for you Dear Reader.  I wish for you to find the path that fulfills you.  Do not chase money.  It is a tool not an end.

My Grandfather used to always say, “Do what you love and the money will come.”  A world where we all do that could be a very peaceful place.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn

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