Greetings Dear Readers,
This year we were blessed to spend the day with my Mother and Father in law at their beautiful home. Dinner was excellent, though we felt the absence of my sons as one is in Georgia and the other had to leave for work before dinner. The rest of the family enjoyed the meal and each other. Bezel, my youngest son, called and put a lovely smile on the faces of my in-laws. All and all we had much to be thankful for.
So often over Thanksgiving week we are inundated with ads telling us that we have to be out early to this or that store or we will be left out of some great consumer value.
This year I went to a local retailer at five in the morning to take in the sights and sounds of Black Friday first hand. The rushing and grabbing amazed me. No one seemed happy or to be finding joy in the purchasing of supposed gifts. As I walked around the store, I began to sing Christmas songs. People would catch my eye and smile. Employees would look over at me as if I had offered them a raise. Whenever anyone needed to get by my, I quietly waited for them to pass.
After an hour of spreading good cheer, I returned home to collect family members so that we could go back to the same store and Bell Ring for the Salvation Army. We sang Christmas carols, smiled at busy shoppers, and did our best to start the season off right for anyone who would allow us. I spent Black Friday stress free instead of looking for the cheap, new, and exciting. It was a day well spent and I am excited about the building Christmas season. Take some time to read A Christmas Carol or to volunteer for the Salvation Army (
On a completely different note, I wanted to mention my thankfulness for the three ferrets

that inhabit our home. They especially bring my wife much joy. Here is Beorn in his regal splendor. Yes, he is sticking his tongue out at you. He does this often when he wants out of his cage. We adopted him and his two playmates, Solstice and Padfoot from the local humane society. All three were strays that needed a home and they agreed to live with us as long as we let them be in charge of everything. It is working out so far.
Enjoy the Christmas season as it approaches and tell me what you like most about Christmas or share with me one of your Christmas memories.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn