29 January 2007

The Idea Factory

Greetings Dear Readers,

Authors are often asked where they get their ideas. The answer to that is as varied as the writer being asked. Twice in the last week I been ambushed by a new book idea and had to pour the first chapter and outline from my brain before I could rest.

I almost always write in the mornings but these ideas have both burst forth as night, keeping me up past my bedtime. I am not sure where the writing is taking me but as its humble servant I will follow. The Idea Factory, deep down in my brain, is an evil beast. Unless I listen to the Idea Factory it howls, kicks, and screams like a petulant child. Lately the factory has been suggesting things that I would not normally write. Keep in mind that the Idea Factory's form of suggestion is to cut off all higher brain functions until I meet its demands.

After some polish I will post a tidbit of the new stuff and you can give me feedback. In the mean time, I have other things to attend. So I have a challenge for you folks out there. You tell me where writers get their ideas. I will post the results later.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn

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