13 March 2007

Standing in the Sun

We are getting the first signs that Winter has decided to make way for Spring. The calf deep snow in our yard has dwindled to slushy puddles of grey-white crystal and tomorrows temperature is reported to reach the 70's.

As I emerged from the house yesterday afternoon the sun glistened on the receding snow and fell on my face with warmth for the first time since Fall. As a rule I like winter, but that first sensation of warmth gave me a boost I have not felt in some time. My wife will undoubtedly begin her forays into the budding new world, while soon I will enter my constant battle to avoid the extremes of heat that accompany summer. For today, however, I relish the sun and standing in it without feeling hot or humid.
Photo by Aramis Thorn, Smyrna, April 1998

One of the things I noticed was the first bits of our daffodils poking their way up beside the house. Daffodils are one of the things that scream Spring to me. Soon they will reach up to embrace the sun now on my face and the life cycle will kick into full gear. For now I am standing in the sun, enjoying its warmth and listening to the dripping of melting snow preparing to rejoin the clouds and become Spring rain. I could stand here for a long while but the keyboard calls as some of my characters want a word with me.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn

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