23 February 2009

Divorce Care

Greetings Dear Readers,

As many of you already know Avalon chose to leave me a little less than a year ago. This many months down the path the pain is lessened very little but methods for dealing with them improve. I still have to avoid some things that are too painful. God in his wisdom has provided several avenues of care for me.

My children have been loving and kind. Some of my friends have surprised me with their level of support. My church has been supportive and available. Perhaps the best thing that my church has done is provide a group for divorce healing and recovery. The group is called DivorceCare® . The group meets for 13 weeks. The program uses a series of videos, group discussion, and moderate homework to work through emotional and practical aspects of divorce. The group meets as an urgent care need, meaning that one does not need for a new group to start to participate.

Listed below are the topics covered. These are directly from the website www.divorcecare.com . If you are traveling this path I urge you to consider finding a DivorceCare® group. You chances of moving beyond the pain and making a lasting recovery is much better if you do.

What’s Happening to Me? — Session 1
This introductory seminar helps answer the question, “Why do I feel the way I do?” You’ll come out of this session with an overview of the DivorceCare program and an appreciation for the benefits of a support group environment.

The Road to Healing/Finding Help — Session 2
This video segment helps you begin to identify the many losses that occurred as the result of your divorce. It also introduces strategies you can use to begin the process of healing from your separation or divorce.

Facing My Anger — Session 3
This video seminar deals with the subject of anger, a nearly universal response to the pain and stress of divorce. You’ll gain constructive suggestions for dealing with your anger and learn methods for responding to the anger coming from your ex-spouse.

Facing My Depression — Session 4
Depression can be a paralyzing emotion as you go through divorce. Even so, it can also be a “healing emotion,” and this video seminar explores constructive responses you can employ to deal with depression.

Facing My Loneliness — Session 5
After divorce, many people respond to their loneliness in ways that will cause them even deeper pain. This segment explores healthy ways to overcome the loneliness that will inevitably arise during your separation or divorce.

What Does the Owner’s Manual Say? — Session 6
This video seminar explores real-world answers from the Bible on issues related to separation, divorce and remarriage, presented in an easily understandable format.

New Relationships — Session 7
The loneliness that comes with divorce will put you at risk when making decisions about new relationships. This session helps you determine whether you are ready for a new relationship and how to get it off on the right foot if you are.

Financial Survival — Session 8
Most people are stretched financially during divorce. This video segment offers you practical help on how to survive and ways to deal with the many money issues that you’ll face during and after divorce.

KidCare — Session 9
This video seminar helps you understand the effects of divorce on your children and offers practical suggestions for being an effective single parent. You’ll also learn how your children are processing the divorce and how you can help in their healing.

Single Sexuality — Session 10
How do you deal with your sexuality after divorce? This important session will help you understand sexuality from God’s perspective and see that it is possible to be single again and satisfied.

Forgiveness — Session 11
The hurt that comes with divorce is a barrier that prevents many people from forgiving their former spouse. This seminar shows you why forgiveness is important and how you can begin the process of forgiving.

Reconciliation — Session 12
Reconciliation is one of the most misunderstood aspects of the divorce healing process. You’ll learn that reconciliation can happen even if your marriage is not restored and why it’s important to pursue reconciliation.

Moving On, Growing Closer to God — Session 13
How can God produce something good out of something as bad as divorce? This segment will show you how to grow closer to God as you go through your divorce experience.

As always I covet your prayers for me and for Avalon. I love her and always will.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous28/2/09 11:55

    It shows great courage to go through all the termoils you are going through, and to document them on this site. It seems devorce care is doing yuou some good and though this i am able to see how you are still holding on to Christ through this all. The is a real inspration to me!
    keep up the strong faith and the courage it provides you Aramis.
