25 December 2008

Merry Christmas to all...

Greetings Beloved Readers and Merry Christmas,

As I sit here with some of my family and missing others, I ponder what I would most like to share about Christmas. It is rather simple. It is Christ. You see I know that there are many sentimental things I can say about Hope, Joy, Love and all the trappings of Christmas. There are things I wish and they matter more than anything, for I believe that Christ wants them as well. You see I have a practice. I never ask God for anything on Christmas day nor on Resurrection Sunday. I consider that God knows my needs and in memoriam of those two days I think he has given enough. Here, today, however, is my Christmas wish list.

That my family would see Christ so clearly that they only follow him.
That my beloved Avalon would see how far she is from Christ and return to him
That my friends, family, and students who do not know him would give Christ and honest try
That all of you would feel my deepest gratitude for you individual parts in my life

Merry Christmas and remember if my seriousness during you merriment is an offense you can tell yourself this is just another Christmas blog. Hey Santa, pass us that bottle will you,

Wishing you joy in the journey

Aramis Thorn

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