23 November 2009

Ringing and Singing

Greetings Dear Readers,

Beginning this Friday, Black Friday, one of my favorite parts of the Christmas season will be upon us. After a lovely Thanksgiving dinner with my children, some of us will get up early on Friday and make our way to a local retail store. We will spend two hours outside ringing bells, singing Christmas carols, and collecting donations for the Salvation Army. It amazes me how much good this organization does for the homeless, the poor, and those who need spiritual shelter as well.

Those kettles and the bell ringers are the front line of an effort that goes on all year long to ensure that the neediest in our cities benefit from those who can afford to shop and buy and give. I know that I do not have as vast a pool of readers as I wish I had but I would ask all of you to consider volunteering for just one shift of bell ringing.

Each year there are shifts that are not filled. That means that the kettle is not out, people are not reminded to give, and there is less to help those who do not have. By making this a family event I get fun time with those I love and we get to live out what we believe for the sake of others. It is so simple to sign up on line at http://www.ringbells.org/ .

I am asking my readers this year to make an effort to find time to ring bells and make a difference in the lives of those who need help. It is easy, fun, and I promise you will be glad you did it. If you choose to I would love to hear of your adventure in bell ringing.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn

1 comment:

  1. I'll make an effort and I'll be there, ringing along with in heart and sprit.
