04 October 2008

In Christ Alone my Hope is Found

Greetings Beloved Readers,

The media wishes for us to think that times are dark. For me they seem to be lately but not in the sense the world sees. Big things like the economy, planetary stewardship, and how we are going to power our lives loom in every morning paper and the news media. America clamors for change internally while our global respect and position dwindles.

At the more personal level, my wife Avalon has left me and will probably divorce me, I am trying to rebuild some relationships that I did not even realize I had damaged, and I have a burden that grows ever deeper for those in my family who are aging and do not know Christ.

Some would say that life for me is grim right now, but they would be wrong. As pertaining the global issues, I will do my part to be a good steward of my resources and refuse to acknowledge that my life is governed by the economy or the price of petrol. It is Christ alone who governs the world. Current stress are just the natural result of our failure to stand with Him.

The same holds true with the personal issues. In my arrogance and blindness I have failed as a husband and friend in many ways. I love my wife but realize I can do nothing to change her choices, so I can only stand with Christ and hope she does the same. For the friends I have hurt, I can only ask their forgiveness and strive all the more to be and conduit of Christ's love to them. For my relatives that need Christ, I must realize that my human failings may have hindered their seeing Christ in me and I must reach out to them will all the love that Christ places in my heart.

The common theme in all of this is that I must stand in Christ alone. No matter what I do wrong or what wrong is done to me, it is in Christ that I must find my comfort, strength, sustenance, and being. My world is in turmoil both globally and locally. In the midst of all that though stands Jesus Christ.

I have attached a You Tube video of the song In Christ Alone by Stewart Townsend. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8welVgKX8Qo)

The lyrics are included in the video. It will only take about five minutes of your time to watch. I know that the religions of the world clamor for your time, money, and souls. I would ask that you consider all of this background noise, and investigate Christ alone. It is where I stand and I find that "I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love which Christ Jesus our Lord shows us. We can't be separated by death or life, by angels or rulers, by anything in the present or anything in the future, by forces or powers in the world above or in the world below, or by anything else in creation." (Romans 8:38-39) I ask humbly for you all to try standing in Christ alone.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6/10/08 11:07

    as I have grown closer to you, your heart and your story, it pains me to hear of your fallings, both locally ... as for the rest of the fallen world, globaly.
    "I Christ Alone I take my stand, He is my rock, my strength, my home"
    hold firm to these words, for once a long time ago, you told me trhe same thing.
    You are in my prayers and and with that I leave you with my thenkfullness for ;puting your self out there once again and opening you heart and soul to all .. weather they want to accept it or not.
