20 October 2008

To Immensity and Beyond

Greetings Dear Readers,

Do you enjoy the beach? I know I do. I spent many summers of my youth walking the sands of a small Island off the South Carolina coast. Think of the vast grains of sand it takes to make up a single beach. We love to quantify things and yet there are some things that cannot be actually quantified. We can estimate how much sand there is on a beach, but it is not the quantity of sand that makes the beach for us. It is the unique beauty and temporal nature of that beauty that creates awe in us.

Albert Einstein observed that "Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted." What then do we do with the vastness that is in God? I cannot measure the grace and love he must extend to put up with my often rebellious existence. Furthermore, he asks me then to extend grace and love to others and promises to provide to me the measure of that grace and love needed to do so. At what point does God's grace end so that I may quit extending grace to others? It does not.

Someone recently told me that they could not extend grace to me because it would be unwise to do so. They twisted the purpose of grace to their own ends to justify harming me. They do not know the future and neither do they see what grace God would give them to supply their need. I do not wish a God who measures out grace in teaspoons that must be earned. I think it more wise to count on grace to be sufficient for me to extend myself again when necessary so that as I am stretched thin, even to the breaking point, I become more transparent so that others can see it is Christ who provides the grace and I am just the conduit.

Pray that I stand in this rain of grace that God pours down on me so that I may become all he needs me to be to make his love known in the lives of others. I love living for a God who is immeasurable, uncountable, and unquantifiable. Anything less would cheapen my faith.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn


  1. Very encouraging post. Thanks for your transparency and love.

  2. Aramis,
    My prayers are with you …. Father, hold I there,
    You have support from many and with that the love and strength of our almighty God Himself…
    I too love the sea …
    As I love you
