Greetings Dear Reader
It has been a very good year for me. My career, my home, my family, and my faith seem to all be on a good track. I have friends that I value. My Sons are doing well and I have a Grandson that I love deeply.
There is more I would have done. There is more I could have done. I mark the passing of 2010 quietly and deeply changed. So little matters any more that used to matter. Most of it was only fodder for my falleness. I seek to sharpen my focus on Christ and following him. I will not be making resolutions but rather seeking to keep the one resolution that matters. I will take my stand in Christ and hope by his grace to be more his and less anything else.
For you my dear Readers, I wish you grace, peace, and joy. I hope that the blessings of God are poured out upon you. I love you all and value your interactions and custom.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
31 December 2010
28 December 2010
12 Days of Christmas on a Lighter Note
Happy Christmas Dear Reader, 
I know that we all love and endure the song the 12 Days of Christmas. Fortunately for us there are those who care enough about such things to add us the cost for us. Each year you can find the PNC, Christmas Price Index calculated for you. Enjoy and then return for my own whimsy on the matter.
Another View
By Aramis Thorn
Christmas 1996
The partridge perched upon the pear to sing his cockle song,
And merrily proclaim the day to all the gathered throng.
“Bob-white” he called amidst the branches of the potted pear,
My true love had tied his leg, so he was stranded there.
“Bob-white” again he issued forth all throughout the eve
The first day of Christmas had my guests all fit to leave.
Morning smiled the second day, as I greeted my true love,
As in each hand there was perched a cooing turtledove.
“Their wings are clipped, they will not fly.” She cooed reassuringly,
So, she propped them with the Partridge in the potted tree.
“Bob-white, coo-coo. Bob-white, coo-coo” they called to and fro,
I spent most of Christmas day the second, seeking solitude in snow.
The noise had quelled on day three, and peace I thought I’d found,
‘Til from the breakfast pantry rose a murderous cackling sound.
Armed with broom, to the kitchen I rushed, to face the denizens,
Instead of monsters or cockatrice, I found three French hens.
My true love smiled so warmly as she presented them to me,
I took them in their cages, and placed them 'neath the pear tree.
Day four saw me besieged by “cackle, coo, bob-white,”
I surmised to roast them all, but my true love I would not spite.
As evening came, my calm returned and the wild life seemed to quiet,
Until my love presented me with a brand new form of riot.
For in choosing a fourth gift, she had hit on the absurd
In that she presented me with four squawking calling birds.
The fifth day hardened fright and fear with “bob-white, cackle, squawk, and coo.”
For I was intrepidly bemused at what my true love next would do.
The pear tree looked so burdened with its zoo of noisome birds,
Were she to add five to the flock of ten, I could not contain harsh words.
At dinnertime, she presented me with a box battered and old,
To my delight my true love gave to me, five SILENT rings of gold.
Optimism held me in its grasp as day six broke cold and snowing,
I gazed upon my golden rings, admiring silent warmth a-glowing,
Down to breakfast I trotted, to my true love, with triumph in my breast,
Only to find her in the kitchen, with six geese upon six nests.
I sat upon the kitchen hearth and dwelt on roasted geese,
To my horror I realized each had eggs, three or four apiece.
To the hot tub on the winter porch I went, to soak away day seven
The silence and the steamy bath promised to resemble heaven.
I’d just relaxed in the warm pool, when I was set upon,
By the paddling and pecking of seven swimming swans.
Enough I screamed of feather and foul, I don’t want flocking gifts,
“Very well.” My true love sadly said. The day ended in a tiff.
The eighth day of Christmas dawned with a fresh snow falling.
My true love woke me from my slumber by gently, sweetly calling.
She suggested that I quickly join her by the stable, near the shed,
With trust that no bird would brave the cold, I trundled out of bed.
What met me at our barn brought forth oaths and shrieks and vows,
For there upon eight stools sat eight maidens milking cows.
Day nine came, and I thought, my mind was coming loose,
But I was, at lunch, satiated by feasting on beef and goose.
Dinnertime tempted me to dine on both partridge and hen,
But the thoughts were interrupted by my true love once again.
The view within the parlor set my wits to madly prancing,
For my true love had hired nine ladies who were dancing.
Madness seized me on day ten, and I would not leave my room.
I met each cajoling of my love with bitterness and gloom.
Around eight in the evening time, a clamor filled the house,
Pushing me to investigate so I sneaked out like a mouse.
I perched upon the staircase and downward started creeping,
And was horrified to find the hall filled with ten lords a leaping.
I barely slept throughout the night amidst the noise of birds and cows,
I was glad my true love leaned toward the kosher, or I might have gotten sows.
Sunrise came early on day eleven, and I thought to sneak to town,
For no new terror-gift would I find, if I were not around.
But my true love laughed as she realized my victory she was swiping,
For in the driveway of the dawn, there were eleven pipers piping.
The Twelfth Day of Christmas had arrived with our house quite full,
But no one for a hundred miles could say that it was dull.
I’d grown accustomed to the noise, to dodging lords leaping, ladies dancing,
I’d even realized that dairy cows, my larder were enhancing.
My true love sat with me by the fire, holding my hand and humming,
As I tried to grow accustomed to twelve incessant drummers drumming.Day thirteen has come and gone, and fourteen was quite peaceful.
I realize now that my true love intended no malice, harm, or evil.
As peace and quiet reclaim my home and I see where I was wrong,
I'll transform my true love’s gift parade into a Christmas Song.
Many will sing of my adventure and never know its pains and ills,
I'll even leave out day 24: the arrival of, the postman with the bills.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."

I know that we all love and endure the song the 12 Days of Christmas. Fortunately for us there are those who care enough about such things to add us the cost for us. Each year you can find the PNC, Christmas Price Index calculated for you. Enjoy and then return for my own whimsy on the matter.
Another View
By Aramis Thorn
Christmas 1996
The partridge perched upon the pear to sing his cockle song,
And merrily proclaim the day to all the gathered throng.
“Bob-white” he called amidst the branches of the potted pear,
My true love had tied his leg, so he was stranded there.
“Bob-white” again he issued forth all throughout the eve
The first day of Christmas had my guests all fit to leave.
Morning smiled the second day, as I greeted my true love,
As in each hand there was perched a cooing turtledove.
“Their wings are clipped, they will not fly.” She cooed reassuringly,
So, she propped them with the Partridge in the potted tree.
“Bob-white, coo-coo. Bob-white, coo-coo” they called to and fro,
I spent most of Christmas day the second, seeking solitude in snow.
The noise had quelled on day three, and peace I thought I’d found,
‘Til from the breakfast pantry rose a murderous cackling sound.
Armed with broom, to the kitchen I rushed, to face the denizens,
Instead of monsters or cockatrice, I found three French hens.
My true love smiled so warmly as she presented them to me,
I took them in their cages, and placed them 'neath the pear tree.
Day four saw me besieged by “cackle, coo, bob-white,”
I surmised to roast them all, but my true love I would not spite.
As evening came, my calm returned and the wild life seemed to quiet,
Until my love presented me with a brand new form of riot.
For in choosing a fourth gift, she had hit on the absurd
In that she presented me with four squawking calling birds.
The fifth day hardened fright and fear with “bob-white, cackle, squawk, and coo.”
For I was intrepidly bemused at what my true love next would do.
The pear tree looked so burdened with its zoo of noisome birds,
Were she to add five to the flock of ten, I could not contain harsh words.
At dinnertime, she presented me with a box battered and old,
To my delight my true love gave to me, five SILENT rings of gold.
Optimism held me in its grasp as day six broke cold and snowing,
I gazed upon my golden rings, admiring silent warmth a-glowing,
Down to breakfast I trotted, to my true love, with triumph in my breast,
Only to find her in the kitchen, with six geese upon six nests.
I sat upon the kitchen hearth and dwelt on roasted geese,
To my horror I realized each had eggs, three or four apiece.
To the hot tub on the winter porch I went, to soak away day seven
The silence and the steamy bath promised to resemble heaven.
I’d just relaxed in the warm pool, when I was set upon,
By the paddling and pecking of seven swimming swans.
Enough I screamed of feather and foul, I don’t want flocking gifts,
“Very well.” My true love sadly said. The day ended in a tiff.
The eighth day of Christmas dawned with a fresh snow falling.
My true love woke me from my slumber by gently, sweetly calling.
She suggested that I quickly join her by the stable, near the shed,
With trust that no bird would brave the cold, I trundled out of bed.
What met me at our barn brought forth oaths and shrieks and vows,
For there upon eight stools sat eight maidens milking cows.
Day nine came, and I thought, my mind was coming loose,
But I was, at lunch, satiated by feasting on beef and goose.
Dinnertime tempted me to dine on both partridge and hen,
But the thoughts were interrupted by my true love once again.
The view within the parlor set my wits to madly prancing,
For my true love had hired nine ladies who were dancing.
Madness seized me on day ten, and I would not leave my room.
I met each cajoling of my love with bitterness and gloom.
Around eight in the evening time, a clamor filled the house,
Pushing me to investigate so I sneaked out like a mouse.
I perched upon the staircase and downward started creeping,
And was horrified to find the hall filled with ten lords a leaping.
I barely slept throughout the night amidst the noise of birds and cows,
I was glad my true love leaned toward the kosher, or I might have gotten sows.
Sunrise came early on day eleven, and I thought to sneak to town,
For no new terror-gift would I find, if I were not around.
But my true love laughed as she realized my victory she was swiping,
For in the driveway of the dawn, there were eleven pipers piping.
The Twelfth Day of Christmas had arrived with our house quite full,
But no one for a hundred miles could say that it was dull.
I’d grown accustomed to the noise, to dodging lords leaping, ladies dancing,
I’d even realized that dairy cows, my larder were enhancing.
My true love sat with me by the fire, holding my hand and humming,
As I tried to grow accustomed to twelve incessant drummers drumming.Day thirteen has come and gone, and fourteen was quite peaceful.
I realize now that my true love intended no malice, harm, or evil.
As peace and quiet reclaim my home and I see where I was wrong,
I'll transform my true love’s gift parade into a Christmas Song.
Many will sing of my adventure and never know its pains and ills,
I'll even leave out day 24: the arrival of, the postman with the bills.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
25 December 2010
25 Ways to Give – December 25th
Happy Christmas Dear Reader,
I hope that at this moment you feel the joy I do. That is half of the gift today. Try going through the day expressing joy and showing gratitude. Let small things go and focus on the gift that is Jesus and our redemption.
I love you all collectively and individually.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, “That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store.”
I hope that at this moment you feel the joy I do. That is half of the gift today. Try going through the day expressing joy and showing gratitude. Let small things go and focus on the gift that is Jesus and our redemption.
I love you all collectively and individually.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, “That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store.”
24 December 2010
25 Ways to Give – December 24th
Happy Christmas Dear Reader,
Family has arrived from the south. Everything is chilled or ready to cook. I still need to roast some coffee and make a desert for tomorrow. Most of the presents are wrapped and so the social and material parts of Christmas are pretty well done.
The important part of Christmas can become my primary external focus. It is always my internal one but I will share it with who allow it now. The gift I suggest you give is that tonight or in the morning, whenever you open gifts, is to read Luke 2:1-16 to your family and guests. It matters. Here is the text provided for you in the King James. I do not think that it is the best translation for everyday use but it is beautiful to read out loud. I will drop in briefly tomorrow, but after that I will have a long winter’s nap. Read on…
Luke 2:1-16
1 And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed.
2 (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.)
3 And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city.
4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of
Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:)
5 To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child.
6 And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.
7 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.
8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
9 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
12 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
15 And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.
16 And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.
17 And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child.
18 And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds.
19 But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, “That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store.”
Family has arrived from the south. Everything is chilled or ready to cook. I still need to roast some coffee and make a desert for tomorrow. Most of the presents are wrapped and so the social and material parts of Christmas are pretty well done.
The important part of Christmas can become my primary external focus. It is always my internal one but I will share it with who allow it now. The gift I suggest you give is that tonight or in the morning, whenever you open gifts, is to read Luke 2:1-16 to your family and guests. It matters. Here is the text provided for you in the King James. I do not think that it is the best translation for everyday use but it is beautiful to read out loud. I will drop in briefly tomorrow, but after that I will have a long winter’s nap. Read on…
Luke 2:1-16
1 And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed.
2 (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.)
3 And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city.
4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of

5 To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child.
6 And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.
7 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.
8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
9 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
12 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
15 And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.
16 And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.
17 And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child.
18 And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds.
19 But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, “That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store.”
23 December 2010
25 Ways to Give – December 23rd
Happy Christmas Dear Reader,
As I head out the door to gather my last few things for our Christmas dinner, I would advise a single gift to give others. Be calm. Be the center of calm. Realize that nothing is as big as it seems in the moment. It will make you happier and infect those around you.
If it gets hard, then take a moment, take a breath, just let things go. I promise it will be worth it.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, “That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store.”
As I head out the door to gather my last few things for our Christmas dinner, I would advise a single gift to give others. Be calm. Be the center of calm. Realize that nothing is as big as it seems in the moment. It will make you happier and infect those around you.
If it gets hard, then take a moment, take a breath, just let things go. I promise it will be worth it.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, “That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store.”
22 December 2010
25 Ways to Give – December 22nd
Happy Christmas Dear Reader,
With just a few days to go until Christmas Day, I sit in my writing room and look out at the snow. I consider how much I love my job and the opportunities it gives me to make a difference in the lives of others. I also appreciate that it is a demanding and sometimes busy endeavor.
In recognizing that, I am giving the gift to all of taking some time off until the New Year. I do this so that I can recharge, spend time with family, and give more of myself when I return to work. When I do not take time off from time to time I become less focused on the good things and more focused on myself. This is bad for all concerned.
It is easy to believe that we need to be at work all the time, but what we do when we believe that is diminish our effectiveness in the lives of those around us. During this time off I will delve into some things that revive and recreate me. I will indulge in some leisure activities that I just enjoy. I will make myself available to those I love.
Take some time off is you can. It is a valuable gift to you and those around you.
“Have some time off for good behavior,
Fourteen days give or take a few,
Oh the little baby Jesus,
I’ll share a birthday card with you.” - Ian Anderson
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, “That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store.”
With just a few days to go until Christmas Day, I sit in my writing room and look out at the snow. I consider how much I love my job and the opportunities it gives me to make a difference in the lives of others. I also appreciate that it is a demanding and sometimes busy endeavor.
In recognizing that, I am giving the gift to all of taking some time off until the New Year. I do this so that I can recharge, spend time with family, and give more of myself when I return to work. When I do not take time off from time to time I become less focused on the good things and more focused on myself. This is bad for all concerned.
It is easy to believe that we need to be at work all the time, but what we do when we believe that is diminish our effectiveness in the lives of those around us. During this time off I will delve into some things that revive and recreate me. I will indulge in some leisure activities that I just enjoy. I will make myself available to those I love.
Take some time off is you can. It is a valuable gift to you and those around you.
“Have some time off for good behavior,
Fourteen days give or take a few,
Oh the little baby Jesus,
I’ll share a birthday card with you.” - Ian Anderson
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, “That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store.”
21 December 2010
25 Ways to Give – December 21st
Happy Christmas Dear Reader,
Since today is the Winter Solstice I thought I would indulge in a little syncretism and honor those who do not follow my faith. There is an implied arrogance in following any system of belief that claims to be the only way to God. I do not have to agree with the faith of another to be respectful and kind to them. I do not have to water down my faith to treat another with love and acceptance.
That said there are those around me celebrating Hanukah, Kwanzaa, the Winter Solstice and other days particular to other belief systems. No one may truly follow Christ and treat others with disrespect. As a gift to others, remember where your faith comes from. It has become unpopular and to some even wrong to wish others a “Merry Christmas.”
As one who knows the richness and peace available in follow Christ, when I wish this to others I am being inclusive not exclusive. In wishing another “Merry Christmas” I am inviting them to see that there is a richness in Christ hidden by the failures and selfishness of some of his followers.
No one has the right to degrade the beliefs of another. Perhaps if we follow Christ closely enough, wishing others a Merry Christmas will not be seen as exclusion but as inclusion.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
Since today is the Winter Solstice I thought I would indulge in a little syncretism and honor those who do not follow my faith. There is an implied arrogance in following any system of belief that claims to be the only way to God. I do not have to agree with the faith of another to be respectful and kind to them. I do not have to water down my faith to treat another with love and acceptance.
That said there are those around me celebrating Hanukah, Kwanzaa, the Winter Solstice and other days particular to other belief systems. No one may truly follow Christ and treat others with disrespect. As a gift to others, remember where your faith comes from. It has become unpopular and to some even wrong to wish others a “Merry Christmas.”
As one who knows the richness and peace available in follow Christ, when I wish this to others I am being inclusive not exclusive. In wishing another “Merry Christmas” I am inviting them to see that there is a richness in Christ hidden by the failures and selfishness of some of his followers.
No one has the right to degrade the beliefs of another. Perhaps if we follow Christ closely enough, wishing others a Merry Christmas will not be seen as exclusion but as inclusion.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
20 December 2010
25 Ways to Give – December 20th
Happy Christmas Dear Reader,
All of have family and friends about which we say that we do not see them enough. We think of them, miss them, then the business of life dismisses them from out mind. Imagine what it must be like not to have even the opportunity for others to visit us or to visit them.
We all know someone who had distant or no family around. We all know people who lack genuine friends. A great way to give is to invite them into our circle. If you hesitate at this, consider that whomever we would avoid is also someone Christ came to redeem. The love of genuine friendship and thought family is a great weapon toward that end.
There are people out there who need who you are. Take time to recognize them and extend your heart to them. In doing so, your own heart will grow bigger.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
All of have family and friends about which we say that we do not see them enough. We think of them, miss them, then the business of life dismisses them from out mind. Imagine what it must be like not to have even the opportunity for others to visit us or to visit them.
We all know someone who had distant or no family around. We all know people who lack genuine friends. A great way to give is to invite them into our circle. If you hesitate at this, consider that whomever we would avoid is also someone Christ came to redeem. The love of genuine friendship and thought family is a great weapon toward that end.
There are people out there who need who you are. Take time to recognize them and extend your heart to them. In doing so, your own heart will grow bigger.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
19 December 2010
25 Ways to Give – December 19th
Happy Christmas Dear Reader,
Before I get to today’s way to give I want to report on something that happened yesterday. Christmas and I were in a store where every register had a line five or six people deep. The manager of this store and I are on very friendly terms and earlier he had said how busy he had been all morning. He seemed a little harried and I offered what encouragement I could.
After we finished our shopping we were in the end of the line on the register he manned. Christmas and I began to sing, as is our habit. Immediately the lady in front of me joined in as we started the second line of “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.”
Two rows over a young mum encouraged her children to join as well. In just a few moments easily half the people waiting in line were singing this old Christmas hymn and the cashiers were all smiling.
I wrote earlier this month that this has always been one of my Christmas wishes. As I reached the manager and he rang up my purchases he told me how much the singing had lifted his spirits. It was the start of a beautiful day for me. I hope you are smiling as widely as you read this as I am in writing it.
Now on to the gift you can give for today. This one is very simple. It is infectious, will spread rapidly, and is very healthy. As you go about your day give this gift to everyone. Just smile. Smile big and broad.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
Before I get to today’s way to give I want to report on something that happened yesterday. Christmas and I were in a store where every register had a line five or six people deep. The manager of this store and I are on very friendly terms and earlier he had said how busy he had been all morning. He seemed a little harried and I offered what encouragement I could.
After we finished our shopping we were in the end of the line on the register he manned. Christmas and I began to sing, as is our habit. Immediately the lady in front of me joined in as we started the second line of “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.”
Two rows over a young mum encouraged her children to join as well. In just a few moments easily half the people waiting in line were singing this old Christmas hymn and the cashiers were all smiling.
I wrote earlier this month that this has always been one of my Christmas wishes. As I reached the manager and he rang up my purchases he told me how much the singing had lifted his spirits. It was the start of a beautiful day for me. I hope you are smiling as widely as you read this as I am in writing it.
Now on to the gift you can give for today. This one is very simple. It is infectious, will spread rapidly, and is very healthy. As you go about your day give this gift to everyone. Just smile. Smile big and broad.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
18 December 2010
25 Ways to Give – December 18th
Happy Christmas Dear Reader,
In the academic world we talk about the necessity of understanding something before one can apply it. You cannot configure a network server properly until you comprehend what the server will be doing. One cannot fully do until one understands.
I am sure that you get this but I wonder how often we translate it to the ways in which we interact with our fellow humans. It is so easy and weak to judge others harshly. It takes effort and an act of will to try to understand another’s perspective on an issue.
If we hope to apply the love, mercy, and grace that others so desperately need then we must first seek to understand things from their perspective. As you go about your business, remember that we can choose to understand before we seek to be understood. This gift will enrich the lives of everyone you give it to and allow them to feel the significance they need. Perhaps in this we can lay the groundwork for them to see Christ and just how deeply he understands us.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
In the academic world we talk about the necessity of understanding something before one can apply it. You cannot configure a network server properly until you comprehend what the server will be doing. One cannot fully do until one understands.
I am sure that you get this but I wonder how often we translate it to the ways in which we interact with our fellow humans. It is so easy and weak to judge others harshly. It takes effort and an act of will to try to understand another’s perspective on an issue.
If we hope to apply the love, mercy, and grace that others so desperately need then we must first seek to understand things from their perspective. As you go about your business, remember that we can choose to understand before we seek to be understood. This gift will enrich the lives of everyone you give it to and allow them to feel the significance they need. Perhaps in this we can lay the groundwork for them to see Christ and just how deeply he understands us.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
17 December 2010
25 Ways to Give – December 17th
Happy Christmas Dear Reader,
The vast growth of the use of phones for everything is amazing to me. My phone will take pictures, browse the internet, has a full Microsoft Office® suite, a GPS, an MP3 player, and many other features. I received 43 text messages and 17 emails on my phone just yesterday.
With all of this there is a function that I use mostly for essential communication that I can use to give to others. I rarely use my phone for phone calls that are not family, personal, or professional business. Instead, why not make some calls to people that I have lost touch with just to reconnect with them? I made a list of people and will reach out to them over the next two weeks at moments when I have time just to talk.
I have no illusion that people are living lives that feel a void with my absence, but I can be assured that a call from a friend may uplift them. It is a simple thing and we all have the tools to do so. Give someone a call and share yourself with them.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
The vast growth of the use of phones for everything is amazing to me. My phone will take pictures, browse the internet, has a full Microsoft Office® suite, a GPS, an MP3 player, and many other features. I received 43 text messages and 17 emails on my phone just yesterday.
With all of this there is a function that I use mostly for essential communication that I can use to give to others. I rarely use my phone for phone calls that are not family, personal, or professional business. Instead, why not make some calls to people that I have lost touch with just to reconnect with them? I made a list of people and will reach out to them over the next two weeks at moments when I have time just to talk.
I have no illusion that people are living lives that feel a void with my absence, but I can be assured that a call from a friend may uplift them. It is a simple thing and we all have the tools to do so. Give someone a call and share yourself with them.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
16 December 2010
25 Ways to Give – December 16th
Happy Christmas Dear Reader,
It is so easy to look at others and decide that we are somehow better than them. It is natural to make our sins of less import than the sins of others. It is easy to look at how those who do not follow Christ corrupt the thing we who do cherish and to judge them. What is difficult is to see them as Christ sees them.
Recently someone submitted a comment on my post railing against the celebration of Christmas. I chose not to publish the comment because of the tone and judgment in the response. I harbor no ill will toward the commentator nor do I think that everything he said is wrong. What I do see is that unless we stop judging each other and the fallen world we will not be able to be known by our benchmark: our love for each other.
I urge you to give everyone around you the gift of withholding your judgment and condemnation. It is not my place to rail against anything. It is my place to do all that I can to show love, kindness, and compassion to those around me. We celebrate the birth of Christ because that is the beginning of the march toward the cross and the payment for our redemption. The Father saw fit to celebrate the event with shepherds and angels. I continue to celebrate the great gift by giving small gifts to those I love.
The corner of my smile and mirth will always be that God loves me enough to redeem me. The shadow of it will be the knowledge of the price God paid for MY sin. I will do my best to withhold judgment and give my love and kindness to others. Try it. It feels great.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
It is so easy to look at others and decide that we are somehow better than them. It is natural to make our sins of less import than the sins of others. It is easy to look at how those who do not follow Christ corrupt the thing we who do cherish and to judge them. What is difficult is to see them as Christ sees them.
Recently someone submitted a comment on my post railing against the celebration of Christmas. I chose not to publish the comment because of the tone and judgment in the response. I harbor no ill will toward the commentator nor do I think that everything he said is wrong. What I do see is that unless we stop judging each other and the fallen world we will not be able to be known by our benchmark: our love for each other.
I urge you to give everyone around you the gift of withholding your judgment and condemnation. It is not my place to rail against anything. It is my place to do all that I can to show love, kindness, and compassion to those around me. We celebrate the birth of Christ because that is the beginning of the march toward the cross and the payment for our redemption. The Father saw fit to celebrate the event with shepherds and angels. I continue to celebrate the great gift by giving small gifts to those I love.
The corner of my smile and mirth will always be that God loves me enough to redeem me. The shadow of it will be the knowledge of the price God paid for MY sin. I will do my best to withhold judgment and give my love and kindness to others. Try it. It feels great.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
15 December 2010
25 Ways to Give – December 15th
Happy Christmas Dear Reader,
We all live next to someone. Even those who live in remote areas eventually have an end to their land and the beginning of their neighbor’s. We live in an era where we do not often know our neighbors. This somehow has lead to us feeling that we do not have any responsibility for them.
I would urge that we are even more responsible. If those who follow Christ do not reach out to our neighbors at Christmas who will? Even the smallest kindness can lead to lasting friendship. We cannot truly show Christ to people whom we do not know. One of the best ways to know someone is to serve them.
We can see the needs of others if we simply look. We can show kindness by meeting small needs without being asked. Find something to do for your neighbor that is unexpected. Send them treat that you bake with your family. Shovel their walkway when you shovel yours. Offer to watch their children while the Christmas shop.
The list could be endless. The acts can be simple. The impact can be eternal.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
We all live next to someone. Even those who live in remote areas eventually have an end to their land and the beginning of their neighbor’s. We live in an era where we do not often know our neighbors. This somehow has lead to us feeling that we do not have any responsibility for them.
I would urge that we are even more responsible. If those who follow Christ do not reach out to our neighbors at Christmas who will? Even the smallest kindness can lead to lasting friendship. We cannot truly show Christ to people whom we do not know. One of the best ways to know someone is to serve them.
We can see the needs of others if we simply look. We can show kindness by meeting small needs without being asked. Find something to do for your neighbor that is unexpected. Send them treat that you bake with your family. Shovel their walkway when you shovel yours. Offer to watch their children while the Christmas shop.
The list could be endless. The acts can be simple. The impact can be eternal.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
14 December 2010
25 Ways to Give – December 14th
Happy Christmas Dear Reader,
One of the things I do not consider enough is asking God for opportunities to be a blessing to other. It is such a simple thing to request that God use you to reveal his love to others. It really only takes a willing heart.
Imagine the impact if we all chose to give to others by asking God to use us in this way. There are needs all around us and I think that requesting that God make us aware of them removes blinders that keep us from seeing the things that will show him to others. We are not dependant on our resources alone to be a blessing.
As we move toward the day when God spoke his own thoughts on redemption, why not ask him to help us promote his “peace on earth and good will toward men.”
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
One of the things I do not consider enough is asking God for opportunities to be a blessing to other. It is such a simple thing to request that God use you to reveal his love to others. It really only takes a willing heart.
Imagine the impact if we all chose to give to others by asking God to use us in this way. There are needs all around us and I think that requesting that God make us aware of them removes blinders that keep us from seeing the things that will show him to others. We are not dependant on our resources alone to be a blessing.
As we move toward the day when God spoke his own thoughts on redemption, why not ask him to help us promote his “peace on earth and good will toward men.”
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
13 December 2010
25 Ways to Give – December 13th
Happy Christmas Dear Reader,
I have spoken about making peace a few days ago. I want to ponder today something much deeper. Since Christmas is about redemption I want to ponder giving others genuine forgiveness. We all have places in our lives where we hold grudges or have not expressed forgiveness for wrongs past.
We must extend forgiveness if we are to be part of the redemption process. Give forgiveness as a gift this year so that you and others can join in the celebration of true redemption.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
I have spoken about making peace a few days ago. I want to ponder today something much deeper. Since Christmas is about redemption I want to ponder giving others genuine forgiveness. We all have places in our lives where we hold grudges or have not expressed forgiveness for wrongs past.
We must extend forgiveness if we are to be part of the redemption process. Give forgiveness as a gift this year so that you and others can join in the celebration of true redemption.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
25 Ways to Give – December 12th
Happy Christmas Dear Reader,
One of the great joys for me is doing small invisible things to make others happy. I sometimes buy bagels for the staff at work and just leave them in the kitchen. During Christmas I leave small gifts for people anonymously. There is a quiet simple joy to this that I often have trouble putting into words.
I urge you to try this. Notice things that people like and provide them silently. Provide a treat for everyone. Be kind and giving. It will build something amazingly sweet inside your spirit. Try it. Like this post the things are small but can have great impact if done.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
One of the great joys for me is doing small invisible things to make others happy. I sometimes buy bagels for the staff at work and just leave them in the kitchen. During Christmas I leave small gifts for people anonymously. There is a quiet simple joy to this that I often have trouble putting into words.
I urge you to try this. Notice things that people like and provide them silently. Provide a treat for everyone. Be kind and giving. It will build something amazingly sweet inside your spirit. Try it. Like this post the things are small but can have great impact if done.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
11 December 2010
25 Ways to Give – December 11th
Happy Christmas Dear Reader,
One of the ways that I give during the Christmas season and all year long is in assuring that I give a very specific gift to myself. It is a gift that costs nothing but a little mental discipline and faith. In giving this gift to oneself you share it will all around you.
I know that sounds like a riddle but it is truth at the very core. I strive to see everything as an opportunity to see Christ. I work every day to assure that I see all things in this light. Every positive and negative thing is an opportunity to see Christ laying out the path home for me. Everything that comes into my life is there for the purpose of my reclamation and to give me opportunity to assist in the reclamation of others.
There is no higher purpose than this. There is no greater opportunity than to follow Christ and see others walk the path with me. It is easier to point this out at Christmas time and so I encourage you to adopt this view so that others may benefit from it.
I promise, if you begin to see everything in this light, the view will be marvelous.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
One of the ways that I give during the Christmas season and all year long is in assuring that I give a very specific gift to myself. It is a gift that costs nothing but a little mental discipline and faith. In giving this gift to oneself you share it will all around you.
I know that sounds like a riddle but it is truth at the very core. I strive to see everything as an opportunity to see Christ. I work every day to assure that I see all things in this light. Every positive and negative thing is an opportunity to see Christ laying out the path home for me. Everything that comes into my life is there for the purpose of my reclamation and to give me opportunity to assist in the reclamation of others.
There is no higher purpose than this. There is no greater opportunity than to follow Christ and see others walk the path with me. It is easier to point this out at Christmas time and so I encourage you to adopt this view so that others may benefit from it.
I promise, if you begin to see everything in this light, the view will be marvelous.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
10 December 2010
25 Ways to Give – December 10th
Happy Christmas Dear Reader,
One of the things that we can truly give to others is awareness. It does not take time to train our eyes to anticipate the small needs of others. I am talking things that only cost us a minute or two of our time and a little of our consideration but make others feel loved and noticed. The excellent side effect is that it makes us feel good as well.
I will give a few examples of what I mean and then be off to other pursuits for the day.
If I see a Mother with children putting items in her car at a store, I offer to return her trolley to the cart corral for her.
I try to always take a trolley into the store with me from the parking lot.
I have a coworker who drinks coffee in a steady stream during the day. When I go get water or coffee from the kitchen I bring him back a fresh cup.
When I am out shopping I make funny faces at fussy children and almost always make them laugh.
There are many more but you get the point. I promise those trifles will make a difference.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
One of the things that we can truly give to others is awareness. It does not take time to train our eyes to anticipate the small needs of others. I am talking things that only cost us a minute or two of our time and a little of our consideration but make others feel loved and noticed. The excellent side effect is that it makes us feel good as well.
I will give a few examples of what I mean and then be off to other pursuits for the day.
If I see a Mother with children putting items in her car at a store, I offer to return her trolley to the cart corral for her.
I try to always take a trolley into the store with me from the parking lot.
I have a coworker who drinks coffee in a steady stream during the day. When I go get water or coffee from the kitchen I bring him back a fresh cup.
When I am out shopping I make funny faces at fussy children and almost always make them laugh.
There are many more but you get the point. I promise those trifles will make a difference.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
09 December 2010
25 Ways to Give – December 9th
Happy Christmas Dear Reader,
As much as I try to walk through life being good to others, I am fallen and I fail. There are those who dislike me, are offended by who I am, or who my own selfishness has harmed. It is my obligation to make peace with others. Making peace is part of the global redemption process. I have chosen to work very hard to be peaceful with someone who I know dislikes me.
This individual sees me as a religious fanatic and sees all kindness from me as a form of manipulation to get him to “convert.” This of course makes me more determined to be nice to him. My Grandfather used to quote a poem by Edwin Markham all the time.
He drew a circle that shut me out —
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But Love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle that took him in. - Edwin Markham
Imagine the impact if during Christmas or throughout the year we took this attitude toward all of those who see us as an enemy. The challenge for today is to give peace to someone. Here are some practical things you can do to establish peace with someone with whom there are walls or even war.
Point out something positive about them or their work
Show an interest in something they like to do
Side with them on an issue where you both agree
Set aside your own pride and search for compromise
Absorb the wrong and love them anyway
Make a heartfelt plea for peace between the two of you
I have been working hard for several weeks on this very thing. Just yesterday the individual met my eye and expressed his gratitude for my support on an issue. This is not a victory for me but a victory for peace and loving others at any cost. You see my motive is for him to see Christ despite my falleness and failures.
Your challenge for the day is to reach out and make peace with someone as a way to give to yourself and others.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
As much as I try to walk through life being good to others, I am fallen and I fail. There are those who dislike me, are offended by who I am, or who my own selfishness has harmed. It is my obligation to make peace with others. Making peace is part of the global redemption process. I have chosen to work very hard to be peaceful with someone who I know dislikes me.
This individual sees me as a religious fanatic and sees all kindness from me as a form of manipulation to get him to “convert.” This of course makes me more determined to be nice to him. My Grandfather used to quote a poem by Edwin Markham all the time.
He drew a circle that shut me out —
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But Love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle that took him in. - Edwin Markham
Imagine the impact if during Christmas or throughout the year we took this attitude toward all of those who see us as an enemy. The challenge for today is to give peace to someone. Here are some practical things you can do to establish peace with someone with whom there are walls or even war.
Point out something positive about them or their work
Show an interest in something they like to do
Side with them on an issue where you both agree
Set aside your own pride and search for compromise
Absorb the wrong and love them anyway
Make a heartfelt plea for peace between the two of you
I have been working hard for several weeks on this very thing. Just yesterday the individual met my eye and expressed his gratitude for my support on an issue. This is not a victory for me but a victory for peace and loving others at any cost. You see my motive is for him to see Christ despite my falleness and failures.
Your challenge for the day is to reach out and make peace with someone as a way to give to yourself and others.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
08 December 2010
25 Ways to Give – December 8th
Happy Christmas Dear Reader,
My time seems to be so demanded this week. We have begun a new quarter at school. Our family open house is this weekend. I am still in high shopping mode. Emotional pains also vie for my attention. Amidst all of that is the temptation to get lost in expectations and impressions of others.
This time of year more than any other it is vital that I focus on those around me rather than my own agenda. It is my children, family, and friends that need attention. Beyond all of that I must focus on Christ. I cannot be any of the things my children need unless I walk in the grace and spirit of who Christ is. I cannot give from the heart unless Christ guides my heart. I cannot celebrate properly unless Christ is the celebration.
So many things try to actively or passively push Christ and his gift to us out of the Christmas season. The passive ones are usually attached to merchandizing and money. Electronics vie for my attention and resources. Just the potential stress if my buying is not Christ centered is daunting.
I must also protect my focus from the things that try intentionally to drive Christ from the Christmas season. I do not begrudge others their celebrations at this time but I refuse to water down the celebration of CHRISTmas for the sake of political correctness. I do not want this to seem like a rant in any way but we are not excluding others by wish them a happy Christmas. We are in fact including them in the advent of the most important event in history.
I must lovingly and humbly disallow the watering down of my focus on Christ while not disrespecting others and what matters to them. I must be sure to act as Christ like as possible and hope that others catch the image that is intended in the celebration. Nothing else about Christmas matters if I do not celebrate that God became incarnate for my reclamation. There is nothing to celebrate if Christ is not our redemption. It seems foolish for anything but Christ to be my focus.
If you do the same, focus on Christ and his spirit in your Christmas preparations, giving, and celebration, you will find a new and amazing beauty in the season.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
My time seems to be so demanded this week. We have begun a new quarter at school. Our family open house is this weekend. I am still in high shopping mode. Emotional pains also vie for my attention. Amidst all of that is the temptation to get lost in expectations and impressions of others.
This time of year more than any other it is vital that I focus on those around me rather than my own agenda. It is my children, family, and friends that need attention. Beyond all of that I must focus on Christ. I cannot be any of the things my children need unless I walk in the grace and spirit of who Christ is. I cannot give from the heart unless Christ guides my heart. I cannot celebrate properly unless Christ is the celebration.
So many things try to actively or passively push Christ and his gift to us out of the Christmas season. The passive ones are usually attached to merchandizing and money. Electronics vie for my attention and resources. Just the potential stress if my buying is not Christ centered is daunting.
I must also protect my focus from the things that try intentionally to drive Christ from the Christmas season. I do not begrudge others their celebrations at this time but I refuse to water down the celebration of CHRISTmas for the sake of political correctness. I do not want this to seem like a rant in any way but we are not excluding others by wish them a happy Christmas. We are in fact including them in the advent of the most important event in history.
I must lovingly and humbly disallow the watering down of my focus on Christ while not disrespecting others and what matters to them. I must be sure to act as Christ like as possible and hope that others catch the image that is intended in the celebration. Nothing else about Christmas matters if I do not celebrate that God became incarnate for my reclamation. There is nothing to celebrate if Christ is not our redemption. It seems foolish for anything but Christ to be my focus.
If you do the same, focus on Christ and his spirit in your Christmas preparations, giving, and celebration, you will find a new and amazing beauty in the season.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
07 December 2010
25 Ways to Give – December 7th
Happy Christmas Dear Reader,
I mentioned Bell Ringing earlier in our journey. It is not the focus of this way to give but it is an example. Each time I bell ring I find it curious that there are those who as they walk by tell me what other charity they support. Even more curious are those who pull a huge roll or wad of cash from their pocket and put a penny in the kettle.
I know that I have more than I need. I know that God has blessed me richly in many areas. What I do not understand is how we, as a society tolerate allowing fellow citizens and more so, fellow humans to be homeless or hungry.
There are so many ways to give aid to those who are in need. As the temperature dips into single digits, I am so thankful for all that I have. Beyond that I am obligated to give generously for the needs of others. I am to find myself ending the year richer in my care of mankind. If God gave his very best, Jesus for us, then we are obligated to give our very best to each other. I am asking you to be generous. Do not give until it hurts. Give until you feel the joy of giving. Never give out of guilt. Always give from the heart. Be generous.
Through long December nights we talk in words of rain or snow
While you, through chattering teeth, reply and curse as you go.
Why not spare a thought this day for those who have no flame
to warm their bones at Christmas time?
Say Jack Frost and the Hooded Crow.
Now, as the last broad oak leaf falls, we beg, consider this:
There’s some who have no coin to save for turkey, wine or gifts.
No children’s laughter round the fire, no family left to know.
So lend a warm and helping hand –
Say Jack Frost and the Hooded Crow.
As holly pricks and ivy clings,
your fate is none too clear.
The Lord may find you wanting; let your good fortune disappear.
All homely comforts blown away and all that’s left to show
Is to share your joy at Christmas time
With Jack Frost and the Hooded Crow. – Ian Anderson
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, “That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store.”
I mentioned Bell Ringing earlier in our journey. It is not the focus of this way to give but it is an example. Each time I bell ring I find it curious that there are those who as they walk by tell me what other charity they support. Even more curious are those who pull a huge roll or wad of cash from their pocket and put a penny in the kettle.
I know that I have more than I need. I know that God has blessed me richly in many areas. What I do not understand is how we, as a society tolerate allowing fellow citizens and more so, fellow humans to be homeless or hungry.
There are so many ways to give aid to those who are in need. As the temperature dips into single digits, I am so thankful for all that I have. Beyond that I am obligated to give generously for the needs of others. I am to find myself ending the year richer in my care of mankind. If God gave his very best, Jesus for us, then we are obligated to give our very best to each other. I am asking you to be generous. Do not give until it hurts. Give until you feel the joy of giving. Never give out of guilt. Always give from the heart. Be generous.
Through long December nights we talk in words of rain or snow
While you, through chattering teeth, reply and curse as you go.
Why not spare a thought this day for those who have no flame
to warm their bones at Christmas time?
Say Jack Frost and the Hooded Crow.
Now, as the last broad oak leaf falls, we beg, consider this:
There’s some who have no coin to save for turkey, wine or gifts.
No children’s laughter round the fire, no family left to know.
So lend a warm and helping hand –
Say Jack Frost and the Hooded Crow.
As holly pricks and ivy clings,
your fate is none too clear.
The Lord may find you wanting; let your good fortune disappear.
All homely comforts blown away and all that’s left to show
Is to share your joy at Christmas time
With Jack Frost and the Hooded Crow. – Ian Anderson
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, “That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store.”
06 December 2010
25 Ways to Give – December 6th
Happy Christmas Dear Reader,
My record is four. It is a record I hope every year to surpass at Christmas time. When I shop at a particular store I cannot help but use a trolley (shopping cart). My Sons often tease me about this but it is the truth. I do my best to bring one in from the parking lot, but there is always someone there to give me one if I do not.
I do not always need a trolley when I am shopping but I do always want one. Fortunately this turns out to be an opportunity to give. You see very often I encounter people who are cart-less and carrying more than is manageable without one. It is such an easy thing to give them mine and go get another one.
The problem in doing this is doing in secret. Once is easy to get away with. I can wait until the shopping cart ladies at the front of the store are busy with a customer return or a false security tag alarm. I can slip quietly back up and get a new cart. I have never gotten away with more than twice. They all know me by name and so ask me, in very motherly tones, “What did you do with the cart you had?”
When I tell them that I gave it to an over burdened customer I am embarrassed and they add to that by telling me how nice I am. It is not that I mind being thought of as nice but it means I got caught.
As you shop, consider the burdens of others. Even if you already have an item in your cart, you can carry it back and get another one. Giving your trolley to someone who is overburdened is an ideal way to share the spirit of the season in a gift of opportunity. Just be sure to be sneaky when you get a new one.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
My record is four. It is a record I hope every year to surpass at Christmas time. When I shop at a particular store I cannot help but use a trolley (shopping cart). My Sons often tease me about this but it is the truth. I do my best to bring one in from the parking lot, but there is always someone there to give me one if I do not.
I do not always need a trolley when I am shopping but I do always want one. Fortunately this turns out to be an opportunity to give. You see very often I encounter people who are cart-less and carrying more than is manageable without one. It is such an easy thing to give them mine and go get another one.
The problem in doing this is doing in secret. Once is easy to get away with. I can wait until the shopping cart ladies at the front of the store are busy with a customer return or a false security tag alarm. I can slip quietly back up and get a new cart. I have never gotten away with more than twice. They all know me by name and so ask me, in very motherly tones, “What did you do with the cart you had?”
When I tell them that I gave it to an over burdened customer I am embarrassed and they add to that by telling me how nice I am. It is not that I mind being thought of as nice but it means I got caught.
As you shop, consider the burdens of others. Even if you already have an item in your cart, you can carry it back and get another one. Giving your trolley to someone who is overburdened is an ideal way to share the spirit of the season in a gift of opportunity. Just be sure to be sneaky when you get a new one.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
05 December 2010
25 Ways to Give – December 5th
Happy Christmas Dear Reader,
I wonder how often I succeed in something I do consciously but try to do quietly. I wonder how often someone else truly benefits from my actions. Let me set the scene for you.
I am at the grocery store. It is Friday afternoon and I am about half way through my shopping. I am in the canned vegetable isle and apparently, so is everyone else at the store. I need four cans of petite diced tomatoes. It is on my list and happily the price is lower than I had anticipated. There is a lady standing in front of the petite diced tomatoes reading the label of a can crushed tomatoes. Her heavily laden cart is turned sideways in the isle allowing no one to pass.
I watch as the population of the grocery store descends into an angry mob. No one says a word but I can see angry glances exchanged by the harried and blocked shoppers. The lady continues to quietly delve the mysteries of crushed tomatoes, oblivious to the building storm of impatience around her.
The man behind me with nine gallons of milk and seventeen boxes of cereal begins to grumble. The attractive young mom with two chattering youngsters in her car screeches to a halt just short of the three people in front of her. When she curses under her breath, the elder child scolds her saying, “you told us not to talk like daddy.” I barely contain my laughter.
I am sure the throng on isle seven is about to produce farm implements and torches. I focus on the woman and quietly begin to sing. The song is obscure to most but the melody is ancient and draws the spirit toward it. I can sing well enough to not cause harm so I up the volume just a little. I pour all the kindness and patience I can into the gentle strains of the song.
The woman looks up at the trolley traffic jam, smiles uncomfortably, and moves on down the aisle freeing her herd of harried shoppers. She meets my eyes as we pass and pleads a self conscious “sorry.”
I smile back and whisper, “No worries, I am not in a hurry at all.” She smiles, embarrassed and moves along to complete her shopping.
About thirty minutes later I am finished with my list and head for the checkout line. In front of me is Ms. Crushed Tomatoes. Just as she gets up to the register the clerk runs out of register tape. The young girl running the register looks around for another roll and finds none. So very concerned she meets Ms. Tomatoes eye and squeaks, “I have to get more tape. Be right back.”
I immediately begin to hum the same tune. Ms. Tomatoes turns at the sound and smiles at me. After two minutes, each comprised of about seventy two thousand seconds the young cashier returns. She apologizes again whilst loading the tape. To my joyful surprise Crushed (after that smile I feel we are on a first name basis) responds to the girl, “No worries, I am not in a hurry at all.”
The nervous girl lights up with a beaming smile and begins to ring up Crushed Tomatoes’ groceries. They chat and both are feeling pleasant as she departs.
It is so easy to choose to be patient with each other whilst pursuing our errands. When you go abroad to do your shopping, keep in mind that everyone has a schedule and things to accomplish. Give them all the priceless gift of your patience and deference. You will make a difference.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
I wonder how often I succeed in something I do consciously but try to do quietly. I wonder how often someone else truly benefits from my actions. Let me set the scene for you.

I watch as the population of the grocery store descends into an angry mob. No one says a word but I can see angry glances exchanged by the harried and blocked shoppers. The lady continues to quietly delve the mysteries of crushed tomatoes, oblivious to the building storm of impatience around her.
The man behind me with nine gallons of milk and seventeen boxes of cereal begins to grumble. The attractive young mom with two chattering youngsters in her car screeches to a halt just short of the three people in front of her. When she curses under her breath, the elder child scolds her saying, “you told us not to talk like daddy.” I barely contain my laughter.
I am sure the throng on isle seven is about to produce farm implements and torches. I focus on the woman and quietly begin to sing. The song is obscure to most but the melody is ancient and draws the spirit toward it. I can sing well enough to not cause harm so I up the volume just a little. I pour all the kindness and patience I can into the gentle strains of the song.
The woman looks up at the trolley traffic jam, smiles uncomfortably, and moves on down the aisle freeing her herd of harried shoppers. She meets my eyes as we pass and pleads a self conscious “sorry.”
I smile back and whisper, “No worries, I am not in a hurry at all.” She smiles, embarrassed and moves along to complete her shopping.
About thirty minutes later I am finished with my list and head for the checkout line. In front of me is Ms. Crushed Tomatoes. Just as she gets up to the register the clerk runs out of register tape. The young girl running the register looks around for another roll and finds none. So very concerned she meets Ms. Tomatoes eye and squeaks, “I have to get more tape. Be right back.”
I immediately begin to hum the same tune. Ms. Tomatoes turns at the sound and smiles at me. After two minutes, each comprised of about seventy two thousand seconds the young cashier returns. She apologizes again whilst loading the tape. To my joyful surprise Crushed (after that smile I feel we are on a first name basis) responds to the girl, “No worries, I am not in a hurry at all.”
The nervous girl lights up with a beaming smile and begins to ring up Crushed Tomatoes’ groceries. They chat and both are feeling pleasant as she departs.
It is so easy to choose to be patient with each other whilst pursuing our errands. When you go abroad to do your shopping, keep in mind that everyone has a schedule and things to accomplish. Give them all the priceless gift of your patience and deference. You will make a difference.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
04 December 2010
25 Ways to Give – December 4th
Happy Christmas Dear Reader,
How many wars you fighting out there this Christmas morning?
Maybe there’s always time for another Christmas song. – Ian Anderson
When I am out and about during this season I sing. I sing Christmas hymns and meaningful Christmas songs. I have a passable singing voice so I do not do much harm that way. Occasionally another shopper or clerk will join me. Often I get smiles and nods of appreciation. From time to time I get fussed at for forcing my beliefs on others because of singing hymns. A time or two I have been humbugged and even once threatened with being boiled in my own pudding.
It is all worth it. The momentary joy in another when they join in or just enjoy the moment is beautiful to me. I can use my time in public to raise peoples’ spirits for a moment. I can share my overflowing joy at the advent of Christ and perhaps relieve a little of the tension from harried shoppers. My dream is that one day an entire array of people standing in a checkout line will join. It is a big dream but one worth dreaming.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
How many wars you fighting out there this Christmas morning?
Maybe there’s always time for another Christmas song. – Ian Anderson
When I am out and about during this season I sing. I sing Christmas hymns and meaningful Christmas songs. I have a passable singing voice so I do not do much harm that way. Occasionally another shopper or clerk will join me. Often I get smiles and nods of appreciation. From time to time I get fussed at for forcing my beliefs on others because of singing hymns. A time or two I have been humbugged and even once threatened with being boiled in my own pudding.
It is all worth it. The momentary joy in another when they join in or just enjoy the moment is beautiful to me. I can use my time in public to raise peoples’ spirits for a moment. I can share my overflowing joy at the advent of Christ and perhaps relieve a little of the tension from harried shoppers. My dream is that one day an entire array of people standing in a checkout line will join. It is a big dream but one worth dreaming.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
03 December 2010
Bonus Post in Celebration of SNOW
Happy Christmas Dear Reader,
We are getting our first real snow tonight -
Aramis Thorn
© Tuesday, November 04, 1997
Visiting a Crystal Gallery
Silently the clouds crept across the sky,
Negating the brilliance of the haunting harvest moon.
Only the brightest of stars could I still spy,
While the cottony gray darkness still had rips and tatters.
Sending chills over my exposed face,
North winds begin to whip over the field fiercely
Offering me an invitation to retrace
What steps I have taken and return to my cozy home.
Something inside drives me to pursue,
Narrowing my focus to climb the hoary-frosted hill.
Only the higher field will give a proper view
When the dance begins in earnest.
Softly they begin their waltzing flight
Navigating their way through the winter wind,
Outstanding crystals of drifting delightful white
Whispering to me that God is still an artist.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
We are getting our first real snow tonight -
Aramis Thorn
© Tuesday, November 04, 1997
Visiting a Crystal Gallery
Silently the clouds crept across the sky,
Negating the brilliance of the haunting harvest moon.
Only the brightest of stars could I still spy,
While the cottony gray darkness still had rips and tatters.
Sending chills over my exposed face,
North winds begin to whip over the field fiercely
Offering me an invitation to retrace
What steps I have taken and return to my cozy home.
Something inside drives me to pursue,
Narrowing my focus to climb the hoary-frosted hill.
Only the higher field will give a proper view
When the dance begins in earnest.
Softly they begin their waltzing flight
Navigating their way through the winter wind,
Outstanding crystals of drifting delightful white
Whispering to me that God is still an artist.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
25 Ways to Give – December 3rd
Happy Christmas Dear Reader,
I write about this every year and probably always will. The Advent Conspiracy is one of my favorite Christmas initiatives. This will not be a long post as I would rather have you spend your time on their site. I urge you to see what they have to offer and to participate. If your church is not involved then help them get there.
This is not a denominational or sectarian movement. It is a call for Christ followers to make Christmas about the main thing. We can still put Christ at center of his celebration. Join me in this as we journey toward Christmas.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
I write about this every year and probably always will. The Advent Conspiracy is one of my favorite Christmas initiatives. This will not be a long post as I would rather have you spend your time on their site. I urge you to see what they have to offer and to participate. If your church is not involved then help them get there.
This is not a denominational or sectarian movement. It is a call for Christ followers to make Christmas about the main thing. We can still put Christ at center of his celebration. Join me in this as we journey toward Christmas.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
02 December 2010
25 Ways to Give – December 2nd
Happy Christmas Dear Reader,
“If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
If we could somehow make this
Christmas thing last...By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only to ask” - Old City Bar by Trans-Siberian Orchestra
It would be quiet easy to find people in need at any time of year. Instead of simply giving money you can do some far more impactful. I want to suggest that you find a family in need and adopt them for the season. There are so many things that can be done to assist others. What I am suggesting is that you treat them life family for the season.
I am sure your church or one of the local family help organizations in your community can direct you to the right place. One cannot really assist without planning that assistance. We should ponder some of the needs that families may have during the Christmas season. Some are obvious and some are not. Some of you can give greatly and some only a little. The point is that we give from the heart in ways that make a difference.
Here are a few ideas:
Provide Food, even Christmas Dinner
Provide gifts for the children
Watch children for free so that parents can shop
Include the family in your celebrations
Have your children shop for children their own age
Pay utility bills during the cold months
Deliver a month’s worth of groceries
Invite them to go bell ringing with you
Bake cookies together for them to share with friends
Some of you who read my blog are very wealthy and could really make a difference if you chose to do so. I would love to hear that someone decided to:
Pay a family’s rent for a year
Buy them a car – completely paid for
Provide utilities for a year
Start a college fund for the children
Provide groceries for a year
Hire a tutor for children in need
I guess I am issuing a challenge here. Should we not lead the way in aiding others to see Christ by our generosity? Most of us have more than we need and more than we will ever need. Please do not let indifference or ignorance keep us from giving to those who have true need.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
“If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
If we could somehow make this
Christmas thing last...By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only to ask” - Old City Bar by Trans-Siberian Orchestra
It would be quiet easy to find people in need at any time of year. Instead of simply giving money you can do some far more impactful. I want to suggest that you find a family in need and adopt them for the season. There are so many things that can be done to assist others. What I am suggesting is that you treat them life family for the season.
I am sure your church or one of the local family help organizations in your community can direct you to the right place. One cannot really assist without planning that assistance. We should ponder some of the needs that families may have during the Christmas season. Some are obvious and some are not. Some of you can give greatly and some only a little. The point is that we give from the heart in ways that make a difference.
Here are a few ideas:
Provide Food, even Christmas Dinner
Provide gifts for the children
Watch children for free so that parents can shop
Include the family in your celebrations
Have your children shop for children their own age
Pay utility bills during the cold months
Deliver a month’s worth of groceries
Invite them to go bell ringing with you
Bake cookies together for them to share with friends
Some of you who read my blog are very wealthy and could really make a difference if you chose to do so. I would love to hear that someone decided to:
Pay a family’s rent for a year
Buy them a car – completely paid for
Provide utilities for a year
Start a college fund for the children
Provide groceries for a year
Hire a tutor for children in need
I guess I am issuing a challenge here. Should we not lead the way in aiding others to see Christ by our generosity? Most of us have more than we need and more than we will ever need. Please do not let indifference or ignorance keep us from giving to those who have true need.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
01 December 2010
25 Ways to Give – December 1st
Happy Christmas Dear Reader,
As we make the ponderous journey through December I am hoping to encourage others to give things eternal as gifts. Last year we visited with Dickens and considered 25 Thoughts on “A Christmas Carol.” This year I hope to inspire myself and others to give from the places that truly matter. I will make mankind my business and ask you to do the same. Let us begin with something very easy.
Even though many of the sites are open and manned, there are still many shifts at Salvation Army kettles that need bell ringers. Every two hour shift that the kettles are not attended signifies a loss of hundreds of dollars. This loss limits the funds available to shelter the homeless and feed the hundreds of hungry the noble organization serves.
It is not too late for us to go ring bells. I am asking that you gather some friends and sign up for just one shift. My family does this every year. We gather, sing, and watch as people’s spirits are lifted. We get too cold and then go out for a hot breakfast. It is joyous and fulfilling. You do not have to do anything but show up, ring bells, and go home.
To make it even easier, here is the site that will let you sign up. Please, give it a try. If you do, I would love to hear about it. You could even take pictures and send them to me. Remember that during this time of year “many thousands are in want of common necessaries; hundreds of thousands are in want of common comforts..." (Dickens, A Christmas Carol)
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
As we make the ponderous journey through December I am hoping to encourage others to give things eternal as gifts. Last year we visited with Dickens and considered 25 Thoughts on “A Christmas Carol.” This year I hope to inspire myself and others to give from the places that truly matter. I will make mankind my business and ask you to do the same. Let us begin with something very easy.
Even though many of the sites are open and manned, there are still many shifts at Salvation Army kettles that need bell ringers. Every two hour shift that the kettles are not attended signifies a loss of hundreds of dollars. This loss limits the funds available to shelter the homeless and feed the hundreds of hungry the noble organization serves.
It is not too late for us to go ring bells. I am asking that you gather some friends and sign up for just one shift. My family does this every year. We gather, sing, and watch as people’s spirits are lifted. We get too cold and then go out for a hot breakfast. It is joyous and fulfilling. You do not have to do anything but show up, ring bells, and go home.
To make it even easier, here is the site that will let you sign up. Please, give it a try. If you do, I would love to hear about it. You could even take pictures and send them to me. Remember that during this time of year “many thousands are in want of common necessaries; hundreds of thousands are in want of common comforts..." (Dickens, A Christmas Carol)
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
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