I approach this particular outgrowth of developing a Christ centered nature with mixed feelings of success and failure. I enjoy being good to others but at times fail miserably at it. Putting this filter into my choices becomes a handy tool in elevating my thinking. If I ask whether I am being morally or virtuous in my actions and interactions then I can often avoid making choices that are not good.
Being good to others seems to open many doors. When you treat someone with moral respect you can often create opportunity to show them that being good is not a poor choice. Morality and virtue are not outmoded or devalued but many believe that they are. It is my responsibility to follow those mores and virtues that most reflect Christ and the example he set for me. By doing this I can become more focused on my path in following Christ. That may be the fastest way to be good.
Wishing you joy and peace in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."