Greetings Dear Reader,
The air was chill and the coffee not quite hot enough as I made my way outside this morning to watch the meteor shower. I used to be able to stand out in this weather in shorts and a t-shirt but today I was rugged up and gloved. It was all worth it. Still a day away from its peak the Orionid Meteor Shower is producing some amazing sky fire.
I was not out a full minute before spotting my first meteor and the show continued for the full thirty minutes I was out. I am running tired this week but the time standing beneath the stars and praying for my Grandson is invaluable. Tomorrow we will have a baby shower for him and I wonder what things he will need. How can I be for him what my Grandfather was for me?
I think the answer is both simple and unfathomable all at once. I must give him all of the good in me freely and I must squelch that which is not conducive to following Christ to protect him from it. As I watched the shooting stars trace their way across the cold morning sky, I saw beauty and complexity in the universe that I often forget to ponder. I imagined a few years down the path taking him out to watch the same event and telling him about it. I also imagined what it would be like to not see him for months on end. That thought tasted gallish.
I do not know what role I will play in his life but I know that I love him already in ways I cannot express. I know that the moment my Son holds his Son for the first time will change my Son forever. I am sure we will all change as this new life unfolds in our midst. What the onrushing event is teaching me is to focus ever more sharply on Christ and following him. I feel things attempting to supplant this focus and I am doing all that I can to brush them aside.
The mornings out in the dark watching the stars have reminded me just how insignificant and vital I am all at once. The God of the universe put me on a backwater planet that is light-years away from most of the really cool stuff he put in his creation. Then he came to this rock and let us kill him so he could give us life. He then allowed me to find him and follow him on the journey toward things that are so good I cannot comprehend them.
Amidst all that God brings me joy in my journey toward home through my children and then my grandchild. The more I focus on this journey and the lonely companionship it offers the more I see why it is that way. Orion will enter an ever deteriorating world. His parents will be good people for him to look up to for guidance and example. I am not sure what is around this next bend in the path, but as we celebrate it, I will carry the thoughts and lessons of these early mornings gazing and Orion and praying for Orion. It is a good thing to prepare for wonderful events.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
The air was chill and the coffee not quite hot enough as I made my way outside this morning to watch the meteor shower. I used to be able to stand out in this weather in shorts and a t-shirt but today I was rugged up and gloved. It was all worth it. Still a day away from its peak the Orionid Meteor Shower is producing some amazing sky fire.

I think the answer is both simple and unfathomable all at once. I must give him all of the good in me freely and I must squelch that which is not conducive to following Christ to protect him from it. As I watched the shooting stars trace their way across the cold morning sky, I saw beauty and complexity in the universe that I often forget to ponder. I imagined a few years down the path taking him out to watch the same event and telling him about it. I also imagined what it would be like to not see him for months on end. That thought tasted gallish.
I do not know what role I will play in his life but I know that I love him already in ways I cannot express. I know that the moment my Son holds his Son for the first time will change my Son forever. I am sure we will all change as this new life unfolds in our midst. What the onrushing event is teaching me is to focus ever more sharply on Christ and following him. I feel things attempting to supplant this focus and I am doing all that I can to brush them aside.
The mornings out in the dark watching the stars have reminded me just how insignificant and vital I am all at once. The God of the universe put me on a backwater planet that is light-years away from most of the really cool stuff he put in his creation. Then he came to this rock and let us kill him so he could give us life. He then allowed me to find him and follow him on the journey toward things that are so good I cannot comprehend them.
Amidst all that God brings me joy in my journey toward home through my children and then my grandchild. The more I focus on this journey and the lonely companionship it offers the more I see why it is that way. Orion will enter an ever deteriorating world. His parents will be good people for him to look up to for guidance and example. I am not sure what is around this next bend in the path, but as we celebrate it, I will carry the thoughts and lessons of these early mornings gazing and Orion and praying for Orion. It is a good thing to prepare for wonderful events.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a home owner. He brings new and old things out of his treasure store."
This is a really awesome and inspiring post, this morning Aramis. Thankyou for sharing and congratulations on your grandfatherness. Have fun tomorrow at the shower...