07 August 2018

Fun with Flags ~ The Christian Flag

Greetings Dear Reader,

Before you dismiss this as irrelevant to you, please give me a moment.  I promise that this is not going to be without something for you to carry.  I am starting with this one because if we are going to have a banner it needs to be one that communicates and one that we are worthy to carry.

First a little bit of history.  The flag was conceived by Charles C. Overton in 1897.  It was adopted by the National Council of Churches in 1942.  As with every flag the colours and symbol have meaning. 

“The ground is white, representing peace, purity and innocence. In the upper corner is a blue square, the color of the unclouded sky, emblematic of heaven, the home of the Christian; also, a symbol of faith and trust. in the center of the blue is the cross, the ensign and chosen symbol of Christianity: the cross is red, typical of Christ's blood.”

So what?  So, if anyone is going to wave this flag he or she had better be ready to stand for its meaning.  Like the term “Christian”, I do not believe that the flag any longer communicates what one would wish.  To many it is a symbol of hypocrisy, bigotry, and hatred.  I am not saying that this is true, but to many, perception is reality.

Those who claim to follow Christ must act like it.  If I am going wave this flag I had better represent peace, purity, faith, trust, and Jesus.  I do believe.  I do try to live the love and peace of the Gospel.  I am also flawed and crooked.  I cannot wave this flag and ask others to see me.  The flag is not bad.  I wonder if we should hold off on unfurling it until our actions earn us the right to do so.

I can be kind, generous, and loving.  I can help those in need and seek justice for everyone.  If I do the good things that the Gospel of Jesus requires then I do not need to engage in flag waving.  If I am working out the Gospel in my life and in the lives of others then my hands are too busy to hold a flag anyway.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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