11 September 2011

Around The Fire

Greetings Dear Reader,

Last night my children and a few friends gathered at our home.  I grilled burgers and fresh corn, made peach cobbler and watermelon daiquiris.  We ate and laughed then went outside to the fire pit for the first fall fire I have made in a long while. 

I bedded the pit with long dried hyssop twigs.  Then on top of that, with the help of our friend Present I layered dried willow branches and then willow logs.  The smell of the Anise Hyssop as the fire caught was sweet and pungent all at once.  I had a respectable blaze very quickly and my family gathered around the fire in the gathering dusk under a rising moon.  The first night of the full harvest moon was cool and clear but not chilled.

As my family took seats around the fire conversation drifted in eddies and flows among differing topics.  The moon rose bright and clear blocking out the usual ample starlight in my rural yard.  As my lovely Daughter-in-law, Raven arrived to join us I asked to hold my Grandson.  She passed the beautiful boy to me and we settled in my camp chair in front of the fire.  As he sat with me in front of the hungry blaze the fasciation in his eyes reminded me of all that youth and newness of life holds.

He was transfixed.  He just sat for over an hour, watching and wondering.  He would smile when you could get his attention but then that attention instantly returned to the blaze.  In seventy two short days we will celebrate his first year with us.  He has already given me so much in his journey with me.  I love my Grandson in a way that even I cannot get into words that seem good enough.

All too soon everyone went home to bed.  All too early the sweetness of the time relegated itself to the past.  After the last car pulled out of the drive and Christmas went inside to tidy some things up, I sat alone in front of the waning fire and under the waxing moon.  I thought of how beautiful it is to have the children I have and the Grandson I love.  I pondered how good Maxim and Raven are as parents.  I prayed for them all.  I thank God for providing me with the simple things that allowed for such a lovely gathering.

The night was beautiful.  The company was perfect.  It is a memory that I will cherish for as long as I have memories.  In it all I am so thankful for all that God has provided.  As I turned in for the night, after the flames were gone, I drifted off musing on the wonder in my Grandson’s eyes.  As he and I journey together I pray that I can provide those moments with love and grace.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store."

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