08 April 2015

Talismans – Rocks Part 1

Greetings Dear Reader,

There are times when you meet someone and your spirits instantly connect.  This is not a meeting of the person and friendship but rather a shared fire that exists only in Christ.  I have a couple of friends like that in my life.  When we connect the love and respect is there instantly. 

Last year one of those friends stopped by the house to pick up something I had repaired for her.  She left behind a kind note and some rocks.  She has read my writing about stones that are significant to me and wanted to remind me that I was significant to her.  Those rocks sit on my desk to remind me to pray for her and for those who had a deep fire for Jesus even when their lives are not the story they imagined.

Those three small stones also remind me that Christ can be rich in me in any circumstance.  Even when I sit at my desk unwilling to write and craving some kind of disconnect instead they remind me that Christ is there waiting for me to unfold my best.  Even when I am in pain, sorrow, or despair I can reach out to those who get me and value what Christ offers through me.

These talismans remind me that as a Christ follower I am never truly alone.  There are others who love Jesus and want to find him in every moment.  There are others who make choices that hinder that pursuit.  Neither my successes nor my failures are singular to me. The power is in getting my eyes off of my own things and living the community of faith based in the love of Christ and the fellowship of his followers.

In that place there is real power.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”

(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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