21 April 2015

The Clauses in our thoughts – Promises

Greetings Dear Reader,

In the movie Radio Flyer, which I highly recommend, the story begins with Tom Hanks explaining the importance of promises.  Tom Hanks’ character, Mike says, “Well, you can't just say, ‘I promise,’ then forget about it. ’I promise’ are the most important words you'll ever say... well almost the most important words you'll ever say.”

When we make a commitment we transfer something from our possession to the possession of another.   We make or give promises.  Part of that is there must be not thought bubbles involved.  When se make the promise we must not be creating a back door as we do. 

I once heard one person in a marriage say to the other, “I only thought it would last ten years or so when we got married.”  This person stood in front of a church full of people and promised a life of faithfulness whilst holding a thought bubble that was a time bomb on that promise. 

We do not see that sacred nature of a promise.  We inject thought bubbles into that sacred space and infect it.  We say that we will help someone whilst thinking of way out.  We agree to lunch knowing we will postpone it later.  The core of our spirit gets worn away by this practice. 

I truly believe that being honest in my thinking is the only way to be honest with others.  These thought bubbles burst with a poison that infect s our confidence, strength, and integrity.  How I think when I interact with others consistently determines who I am.  The thoughts become actions, habits, and eventually a life.  I do not want them to be poisonous to me or to others.

Promises Made - Dan Fogelberg

Promises made
Promises broken
Measures of our demise
Secrets of souls that
Rarely get spoken
Pleasure's a thin disguise.

Dozens of ways
Dozens of reasons
Shielding our hearts from pain
Riddles of romance
That distance may yet explain.

Certain of nothing
So fearful of love
Nobody seems to show you enough
Over and over
The scenes are replayed
And once again
Those promises made.

Feeling forsaken
Broken in two
How did this ever happen to you?
Taken for granted
Bruised and betrayed
Lonely survivors
These promises made.

Dozens of ways
Dozens of reasons
Shielding our hearts from pain
Riddles of romance
That distance may yet explain.

Certain of nothing
You're so damn fearful of love
Nobody seems to show you enough
Over and over
The scenes are replayed
And once again
Those promises made.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”

(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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