Greetings Dear Readers,
As I enter my second full day at my publisher's conference I find that I am amazed by the depth of talent and experience I encountered throughout the day yesterday. One the amazing moments was late last night when sixteen authors gathered to share five minute excerpts from their work.
I watched in awe as one after another read from a book that I now long to read. Some were poignant, some were humorous, and all were amazingly well written. As a storyteller, not just a writer, I could feel the love for each story in the voice of its crafter. Writers love what they write and in this case it was possible to love it with them. None of them had birthed ugly babies that we cooed at out of respect for the parent and a love of life. Each was beautiful on its own merits.
I also have talked with two excellent marketers who have given me grand ideas in how to get more readers walking through my stories with me. I will be devoting my "marketing time" to some new ventures and we will see if they pan out.
Whilst I prepare for my second full day at the conference, I am sure that the morning will find me itching to return home and accelerate the application of my new strategies. I still need to prepare for my trip to Australia and have a term of teaching to finish out. I do no have too much on my plate, but I return from this buffet of amazing writing support with said plate full to almost overflowing and a renewed spirit of what writing can be if I will allow it to be that.
Time permitting, I will report on today's activities in the morning. Until then, remember that if you aspire to write, are a writer, or have written and wander here to see what I am doing, the company of other writers is encouraging and fills one with energy. This group also fills me with hope.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aaramis Thorn
29 September 2007
27 September 2007
Confering with Other Writers
Greetings Dear Readers,
Since it has been some time since my last post I thought I would share the changes that have erupted into my life. I am still writing but may real life things have hindered my time and attention to posting.
My lovely editor RJ and her husband have a new Son who seems to fill RJ's life with electric joy. I cannot wait to meet the young man and see how his mother's most excellent love fills his young heart.
My beloved Son, Maxim married his beautiful Raven this summer is a wedding that took my breath and drew my tears of joy. Their love for each other is so obvious it leeks from every pore and beams to all who come near them. Huzzah and Congratulations my beloved Son and Daughter In Law.
My younger Son, Bezel thinks he has little going on in his life but alas that is not the case. He is choosing. He is journeying that long road to the responsible side of manhood where he will determine what he becomes in his later years. He shows honesty, thoughtfulness, and wisdom in his choosing and I pray the path takes him on great adventures that thrill both him and Christ.
Avalon, my beloved Spouse and I are also gaining a Daughter in the next few weeks. Before you flood us with inquiries, Avalon is not with child but we are adopting a young lady who needs a loving home. Our soon to be Daughter, Christmas already fills our lives with joy and her love for Christ shines brightly as she journeys to us out of the darkness of her past.
I write this to you from my publisher's writing conference and hope that it finds you well. I will be back to regular posts and look forward to your feed back. The Ferrets, Avalon, and my Children greet you all.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Since it has been some time since my last post I thought I would share the changes that have erupted into my life. I am still writing but may real life things have hindered my time and attention to posting.
My lovely editor RJ and her husband have a new Son who seems to fill RJ's life with electric joy. I cannot wait to meet the young man and see how his mother's most excellent love fills his young heart.
My beloved Son, Maxim married his beautiful Raven this summer is a wedding that took my breath and drew my tears of joy. Their love for each other is so obvious it leeks from every pore and beams to all who come near them. Huzzah and Congratulations my beloved Son and Daughter In Law.
My younger Son, Bezel thinks he has little going on in his life but alas that is not the case. He is choosing. He is journeying that long road to the responsible side of manhood where he will determine what he becomes in his later years. He shows honesty, thoughtfulness, and wisdom in his choosing and I pray the path takes him on great adventures that thrill both him and Christ.
Avalon, my beloved Spouse and I are also gaining a Daughter in the next few weeks. Before you flood us with inquiries, Avalon is not with child but we are adopting a young lady who needs a loving home. Our soon to be Daughter, Christmas already fills our lives with joy and her love for Christ shines brightly as she journeys to us out of the darkness of her past.
I write this to you from my publisher's writing conference and hope that it finds you well. I will be back to regular posts and look forward to your feed back. The Ferrets, Avalon, and my Children greet you all.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
26 June 2007
Thinking Well about One's Self
Greetings Dear Readers,
Consider all the people you know who do not think of themselves in a good light. Whether it is that one does not admit to things they do well or that they think to highly of themselves, often we do not view ourselves in a sober light. Whether it is pride or pain that drives us, or the ravages of our fallen natures, we must learn to think properly of ourselves. As for me, I am a fallen man, whose meager attempts to be kind and good are only successful by the grace of God.
I strive daily to view myself honestly but fail often to see my own short comings or wrong views. Fortunately I have friends and family around me who love me enough to help me see my true self more clearly. As I work through my thinking on a proper view of my place before God and my place in the writing world, I have to begin to accept what a proper view of my gifts would be. It is difficult to admit that I am good at my craft without feeling prideful and self conscious. That said, professionals have told me that I write well. I must find a place to stand where I acknowledge the value of what I do and where I give my best to develop and share my craft and the crafting of it with others.
I write because I love to write. I share it with others because I love to teach. You dear readers, encourage me through your comments and feedback. Journey with me a little further and perhaps we will find a place to stand where we see ourselves as we are, and from that see the beauty of all that God has created in us.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Consider all the people you know who do not think of themselves in a good light. Whether it is that one does not admit to things they do well or that they think to highly of themselves, often we do not view ourselves in a sober light. Whether it is pride or pain that drives us, or the ravages of our fallen natures, we must learn to think properly of ourselves. As for me, I am a fallen man, whose meager attempts to be kind and good are only successful by the grace of God.
I strive daily to view myself honestly but fail often to see my own short comings or wrong views. Fortunately I have friends and family around me who love me enough to help me see my true self more clearly. As I work through my thinking on a proper view of my place before God and my place in the writing world, I have to begin to accept what a proper view of my gifts would be. It is difficult to admit that I am good at my craft without feeling prideful and self conscious. That said, professionals have told me that I write well. I must find a place to stand where I acknowledge the value of what I do and where I give my best to develop and share my craft and the crafting of it with others.
I write because I love to write. I share it with others because I love to teach. You dear readers, encourage me through your comments and feedback. Journey with me a little further and perhaps we will find a place to stand where we see ourselves as we are, and from that see the beauty of all that God has created in us.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
06 June 2007
Falling on my Knees
Greetings Dear Readers,
I have spent a great deal of time recently studying the ins and outs of what it means to be truly a follower of Jesus Christ. At the church I attend we have just begun studying the twelfth chapter of the book of Romans. I know some of you have no idea what I am talking about and that is just fine. Here is the gist of what falls into my thinking.
Romans 12:1
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.
The question with which I wrestle is, how do I truly make sure that I am a living sacrifice to Christ? Part of my answer is that I must live in the moment, constantly checking to see that my backside is still firmly planted on that alter; that I am sacrificing all that I am to Christ in every moment. This is not accomplished by obeying rules or following a plan. It is accomplished by realizing that I am never going to be content anywhere else.
Joy Williams has a recorded a song that I have listened to as a mantra for the last week or so. I want it to permeate my heart and mind to the depth that it becomes my anthem. Here are the lyrics and a link to the song. Give it a listen before you continue reading if you will.
Hungry, I come to You, For I know You satisfy
I am empty but I know, Your love does not run dry
So I wait for You, So I wait for You
I'm falling on my knees, Offering all of me
Jesus, You're all this heart, Is living for
Broken, I run to You, For Your arms are open wide
I am weary but I know, Your touch restores my life
So I wait for You, So I wait for You
I'm falling on my knees, Offering all of me
Jesus, You're all this heart, Is living for
So I wait for You, So I wait for You, So I wait for You
I'm falling on my knees, Offering all of me. Jesus, You're all this heart, Is living for
And I'm falling on my knees, Offering all of me. Jesus, You're all this heart, Is living for
Hungry, I come to You, For I know You satisfy
I think the tone of my posts will be changing, but I will still give you the light and airy as well. If you pray for me, and I hope you do, please pray that I never lose the moment I am in right now. If I can keep this heart and this mind, all else makes sense. I love you all, collectively and individually. RJ thanks for the feedback.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
unus vinculum servus procul Christi
Aramis Thorn
I have spent a great deal of time recently studying the ins and outs of what it means to be truly a follower of Jesus Christ. At the church I attend we have just begun studying the twelfth chapter of the book of Romans. I know some of you have no idea what I am talking about and that is just fine. Here is the gist of what falls into my thinking.
Romans 12:1
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.
The question with which I wrestle is, how do I truly make sure that I am a living sacrifice to Christ? Part of my answer is that I must live in the moment, constantly checking to see that my backside is still firmly planted on that alter; that I am sacrificing all that I am to Christ in every moment. This is not accomplished by obeying rules or following a plan. It is accomplished by realizing that I am never going to be content anywhere else.
Joy Williams has a recorded a song that I have listened to as a mantra for the last week or so. I want it to permeate my heart and mind to the depth that it becomes my anthem. Here are the lyrics and a link to the song. Give it a listen before you continue reading if you will.
Hungry, I come to You, For I know You satisfy
I am empty but I know, Your love does not run dry
So I wait for You, So I wait for You
I'm falling on my knees, Offering all of me
Jesus, You're all this heart, Is living for
Broken, I run to You, For Your arms are open wide
I am weary but I know, Your touch restores my life
So I wait for You, So I wait for You
I'm falling on my knees, Offering all of me
Jesus, You're all this heart, Is living for
So I wait for You, So I wait for You, So I wait for You
I'm falling on my knees, Offering all of me. Jesus, You're all this heart, Is living for
And I'm falling on my knees, Offering all of me. Jesus, You're all this heart, Is living for
Hungry, I come to You, For I know You satisfy
I think the tone of my posts will be changing, but I will still give you the light and airy as well. If you pray for me, and I hope you do, please pray that I never lose the moment I am in right now. If I can keep this heart and this mind, all else makes sense. I love you all, collectively and individually. RJ thanks for the feedback.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
unus vinculum servus procul Christi
Aramis Thorn
Do not call me Christian
Greetings Dear Readers,
I know that those of you who know me personally may be shocked by that title. I do have a reason for what I am saying. Over the last decades, I have seen, as have others that the label "Christian" has lost much of its power and respect. In the words of my pastor (yes I have one of those), I believe the word no longer communicates. My faith has not changed but what I call myself has.
I regret that some who claim the name Christian do so much to hurt the image of God that Christ brought us. God does not hate anyone and commands his followers to love even their enemies. So I have chosen to leave the label behind me so that I can communicate better that which I am commanded to:
Anything else is just footnotes. This means I do not hate you just because your life is different than mine. It means that I do not care about many of the issues Christians rally around. I do have feelings and opinions about many things, but I will not reject anyone just because they disagree with me. I apologize for those who identify with Christ and then hate others. That is not who Christ is. Please do not judge Christ by the poor examples of his followers you encounter. If you read my blog, you are much too intelligent for that.
If you must find a way to label me, try Christ Follower. I do not feel that I am worthy of that title, but it is my heart's desire to become a man who can be seen that way. I am not as good at this as I wish to be but I also know that today, in this moment, I am following Christ as best I can, and that is all I may honestly offer you. For those of you who do not know about my faith, here it is in a brief explanation.
I am, like all persons, a fallen sinful human.
I know that God exists and he loves me.
I know that my sinfulness separates me from that love.
The only just penalty for my sin is eternal separation from God.
God would rather die than live without me.
He chose to live in the form of a human as Jesus Christ.
As that God/man he never sinned but paid the price of his unjust death for my sin.
I can do nothing to merit God's favor, but by faith I can avail myself of this payment for my sin.
It is by faith alone that I find my relationship with God the Father through his Son, Jesus.
He offers this free gift to anyone who will accept it
So please, when you talk about me or my writing, do not call me a Christian. If you wish to discuss this feel free to email me,, or you can comment here on the blog. Other than that, I as always wish you the same thing.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
I know that those of you who know me personally may be shocked by that title. I do have a reason for what I am saying. Over the last decades, I have seen, as have others that the label "Christian" has lost much of its power and respect. In the words of my pastor (yes I have one of those), I believe the word no longer communicates. My faith has not changed but what I call myself has.
I regret that some who claim the name Christian do so much to hurt the image of God that Christ brought us. God does not hate anyone and commands his followers to love even their enemies. So I have chosen to leave the label behind me so that I can communicate better that which I am commanded to:
- Love God with all my heart, soul, and mind
- Love my neighbor as myself
Anything else is just footnotes. This means I do not hate you just because your life is different than mine. It means that I do not care about many of the issues Christians rally around. I do have feelings and opinions about many things, but I will not reject anyone just because they disagree with me. I apologize for those who identify with Christ and then hate others. That is not who Christ is. Please do not judge Christ by the poor examples of his followers you encounter. If you read my blog, you are much too intelligent for that.
If you must find a way to label me, try Christ Follower. I do not feel that I am worthy of that title, but it is my heart's desire to become a man who can be seen that way. I am not as good at this as I wish to be but I also know that today, in this moment, I am following Christ as best I can, and that is all I may honestly offer you. For those of you who do not know about my faith, here it is in a brief explanation.
I am, like all persons, a fallen sinful human.
I know that God exists and he loves me.
I know that my sinfulness separates me from that love.
The only just penalty for my sin is eternal separation from God.
God would rather die than live without me.
He chose to live in the form of a human as Jesus Christ.
As that God/man he never sinned but paid the price of his unjust death for my sin.
I can do nothing to merit God's favor, but by faith I can avail myself of this payment for my sin.
It is by faith alone that I find my relationship with God the Father through his Son, Jesus.
He offers this free gift to anyone who will accept it
So please, when you talk about me or my writing, do not call me a Christian. If you wish to discuss this feel free to email me,, or you can comment here on the blog. Other than that, I as always wish you the same thing.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
23 May 2007
Warm Winds and Hot Snow
Greetings Dear Readers,
As the temperatures rise and we near air conditioning weather I am surprised to look out my window and see it as white as January. In our back yard stands an old and vast cottonwood tree. Each spring it spreads its fairy-like seeds across our lawn literally covering it.
Today is that day. The fairies dance upon the wind that whips about the tree that was their home. When I was a boy I used to catch these and make wishes on them. They will cover the newly mown lawn by sunset and the anticipated rain will melt them away tomorrow.
This is a day unique in so many ways but the greatest for me is the dance of the fairies on the wind telling me that Spring has passed its zenith and summer looms on the horizon. It says that soon the sound of fans drawing cool outside air will be replaced by the AC providing quiet cooled inside air. The cool season has been long this year and I am thankful for it. My allergies have been quiet and I am more thankful for that. The world is warming and soon I will swim and enjoy the cool waters.
For today, however, I am content to sit and write with the fan trained on me and the cottonwood fairies knocking on the screen door begging refuge from the coming rains.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
As the temperatures rise and we near air conditioning weather I am surprised to look out my window and see it as white as January. In our back yard stands an old and vast cottonwood tree. Each spring it spreads its fairy-like seeds across our lawn literally covering it.
Today is that day. The fairies dance upon the wind that whips about the tree that was their home. When I was a boy I used to catch these and make wishes on them. They will cover the newly mown lawn by sunset and the anticipated rain will melt them away tomorrow.
This is a day unique in so many ways but the greatest for me is the dance of the fairies on the wind telling me that Spring has passed its zenith and summer looms on the horizon. It says that soon the sound of fans drawing cool outside air will be replaced by the AC providing quiet cooled inside air. The cool season has been long this year and I am thankful for it. My allergies have been quiet and I am more thankful for that. The world is warming and soon I will swim and enjoy the cool waters.
For today, however, I am content to sit and write with the fan trained on me and the cottonwood fairies knocking on the screen door begging refuge from the coming rains.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
08 May 2007
Coming Soon...
Greetings Dear Readers,
The wait may finally be over. I heard from my publisher yesterday and you may be able to get The Praetor before summer officially begins. Since my oldest son is getting married this summer, I would caution you not expect too many appearances of the author before fall.
On another front, I am almost finished with the rewrite of second installment of the Annals of the Four Horsemen, Chronicles of Polaemos The War Bringer. I will post a chapter on the web site in the near future. Hopefully we will have cover art by the end of summer.
I am currently writing to novels at once. Remind me some time to tell you how I structure this as there are currently 33 books outlined and ready for writing. If someone could tell me how to extract the stories directly from my brain without going through the keyboard or my microphone, please let me know.
Until then I will pound away crafting new tales for you letter by letter. As always, I am grateful to my readers and their support.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
The wait may finally be over. I heard from my publisher yesterday and you may be able to get The Praetor before summer officially begins. Since my oldest son is getting married this summer, I would caution you not expect too many appearances of the author before fall.
On another front, I am almost finished with the rewrite of second installment of the Annals of the Four Horsemen, Chronicles of Polaemos The War Bringer. I will post a chapter on the web site in the near future. Hopefully we will have cover art by the end of summer.
I am currently writing to novels at once. Remind me some time to tell you how I structure this as there are currently 33 books outlined and ready for writing. If someone could tell me how to extract the stories directly from my brain without going through the keyboard or my microphone, please let me know.
Until then I will pound away crafting new tales for you letter by letter. As always, I am grateful to my readers and their support.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
25 April 2007
A Bevy of Birthdays
The end of April always brings a flurry of celebration in our household. My beloved Avalon's birthday is just a day after my eldest Son's and his intended bride is just a week later. I am passionate about celebrating others. We will dine and cake and toast the weekend long.
That said I want to dwell on the people to be celebrated for a moment. My Son, Maxim is a fine young man. He is almost done with college and has the respect of his church elders and his employers. He works hard and has little time for his own interests because of it. He stays focused on who God is calling him to become by building his knowledge and faith stone by stone. I am honored to be his Father and to celebrate his life again this year.
Raven, my soon to be Daughter in Law has a dark beauty that goes beyond words. Her artistry and humor never cease to fascinate me. She sees things in way that pushes others to note the beauty God has placed in the world. It refreshes me and I am honored that she is my official cover artist.
My beloved Avalon is the light of my journey. She challenges me every day to be a better man and I see daily in her the determination to be fully the colorful tapestry that God has designed for her. The mosaic that is her life fascinates me anew every moment. I hear God in her laughter.
If you know these three wonderful beings, be sure to tell them Happy Birthday, but more importantly, know them, enjoy them, celebrate that God has allowed us to be a part of their time on the earth.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
The end of April always brings a flurry of celebration in our household. My beloved Avalon's birthday is just a day after my eldest Son's and his intended bride is just a week later. I am passionate about celebrating others. We will dine and cake and toast the weekend long.
That said I want to dwell on the people to be celebrated for a moment. My Son, Maxim is a fine young man. He is almost done with college and has the respect of his church elders and his employers. He works hard and has little time for his own interests because of it. He stays focused on who God is calling him to become by building his knowledge and faith stone by stone. I am honored to be his Father and to celebrate his life again this year.
Raven, my soon to be Daughter in Law has a dark beauty that goes beyond words. Her artistry and humor never cease to fascinate me. She sees things in way that pushes others to note the beauty God has placed in the world. It refreshes me and I am honored that she is my official cover artist.
My beloved Avalon is the light of my journey. She challenges me every day to be a better man and I see daily in her the determination to be fully the colorful tapestry that God has designed for her. The mosaic that is her life fascinates me anew every moment. I hear God in her laughter.
If you know these three wonderful beings, be sure to tell them Happy Birthday, but more importantly, know them, enjoy them, celebrate that God has allowed us to be a part of their time on the earth.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
04 April 2007
Thoughts on Resurrection Sunday
Greetings Dear Readers,
While today we find that in our little burrow winter has revisited us with a reminding splash of snow and wind chills, the signs of spring are robust in our yard. The Day Lilies and Daffodils have sent their green shoots up through the mulch promising the advent of yellows and oranges that can only be properly painted by God.
In the midst of the seasonal ebb and flow is one of the two most significant holy days in my life. Next Sunday is Resurrection Sunday. Many of you know it as Easter Sunday. I do not call it this because of the root of that particular title and the changes in modern culture. The word Easter was adopted by the early church in their attempts to syncrotize the cultures of Britten into the church. It was similar to their spring feast dedicated to Eostre. The attempt was to make the faith of Christ more palatable to the Anglo-Saxon inhabitants of the isle.
My other and stronger reason for this choice is to remind everyone exactly what the purpose of the holy day is. Too much attention is give to eggs, candy, bunnies, and baskets and too little is given to the fact that we are celebrating the resurrection of Christ. The resurrection is one of the foundational keystones of the Christian faith and it has been assailed by its detractors since the day it happened.
Spend some time this week reflecting on the resurrection of Christ from the dead and what it holds for you.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
While today we find that in our little burrow winter has revisited us with a reminding splash of snow and wind chills, the signs of spring are robust in our yard. The Day Lilies and Daffodils have sent their green shoots up through the mulch promising the advent of yellows and oranges that can only be properly painted by God.
In the midst of the seasonal ebb and flow is one of the two most significant holy days in my life. Next Sunday is Resurrection Sunday. Many of you know it as Easter Sunday. I do not call it this because of the root of that particular title and the changes in modern culture. The word Easter was adopted by the early church in their attempts to syncrotize the cultures of Britten into the church. It was similar to their spring feast dedicated to Eostre. The attempt was to make the faith of Christ more palatable to the Anglo-Saxon inhabitants of the isle.
My other and stronger reason for this choice is to remind everyone exactly what the purpose of the holy day is. Too much attention is give to eggs, candy, bunnies, and baskets and too little is given to the fact that we are celebrating the resurrection of Christ. The resurrection is one of the foundational keystones of the Christian faith and it has been assailed by its detractors since the day it happened.
Spend some time this week reflecting on the resurrection of Christ from the dead and what it holds for you.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
29 March 2007
Forming a Writer's Group
Greetings Dear Readers,
One of the things every writer needs is an audience. Many writers have a small group of friends or family with whom they share their raw material, but not many have a circle of peers with whom they share their work in hopes of improving it. One of the things that has served both famous and undiscovered writers is forming a circle of fellow writers who will encourage and critique professionally. C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Charles Williams met regularly for this purpose. David Bratman has put up an excellent article about this at . Here are some guidelines for setting up your own writers group.
There are many other things that can be done to enhance a group of writers. Forging a band of friends who encourage and support each other as you swim upstream toward publication can be very rewarding. If you have specific questions about this, feel free to ask. If you have a group or form one, feel free to tell me about it.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
One of the things every writer needs is an audience. Many writers have a small group of friends or family with whom they share their raw material, but not many have a circle of peers with whom they share their work in hopes of improving it. One of the things that has served both famous and undiscovered writers is forming a circle of fellow writers who will encourage and critique professionally. C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Charles Williams met regularly for this purpose. David Bratman has put up an excellent article about this at . Here are some guidelines for setting up your own writers group.
- Pick a time convenient to all.
- Pick a place that is quiet and at least relatively private. Do not burden an innkeeper by taking up one of his tables unless you are buying food and beverage, and even then ask his permission.
- Keep the group small; more than five can become cumbersome.
- Everyone should bring something to each meeting. This is good for disciplining one's self to write.
- After each person reads, the others should give feedback and ask questions.
- All feedback should be honest.
- All feedback should be kind.
- Never put down another writer's work.
- If a submission is genuinely bad, show the writer in a way that builds up and helps him improve his skill.
- Ask questions that naturally occur as you listen but not until the writer is finished. These questions can reveal flaws that the writer does not see.
- Tell the writer what is good and stress why you like it.
- Have fun.
- Celebrate grandly when one of your group has a success.
There are many other things that can be done to enhance a group of writers. Forging a band of friends who encourage and support each other as you swim upstream toward publication can be very rewarding. If you have specific questions about this, feel free to ask. If you have a group or form one, feel free to tell me about it.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
21 March 2007
The Quality of Friendship
Greetings Dear Readers,
My beloved wife and I have discovered a fun past time for our leisure hours. I have mentioned Second Life before on this blog. As always I find that I am drawn to people and the amazing diversity that is our world.
I am using this post to say hi to few who have impressed us with who they are or what they do.
Celtic - I really admire your search for truth and am honored to be a part of the discussion.
Cat - Your assistance and kindness to my spouse are immeasurable to me. I want to hear more of the story, QWERTY.
Rin - Cosmos has become a home away from home. Thanks for hosting the awesome concert. You could probably sell tickets next time.
To the rest of my readers, I know that you look here for information on my writing, but this rounded needed to recognize some real people who use the anonymity of a game to do good. It is the good you do when no one is looking that shines the brightest.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
My beloved wife and I have discovered a fun past time for our leisure hours. I have mentioned Second Life before on this blog. As always I find that I am drawn to people and the amazing diversity that is our world.
I am using this post to say hi to few who have impressed us with who they are or what they do.
Celtic - I really admire your search for truth and am honored to be a part of the discussion.
Cat - Your assistance and kindness to my spouse are immeasurable to me. I want to hear more of the story, QWERTY.
Rin - Cosmos has become a home away from home. Thanks for hosting the awesome concert. You could probably sell tickets next time.
To the rest of my readers, I know that you look here for information on my writing, but this rounded needed to recognize some real people who use the anonymity of a game to do good. It is the good you do when no one is looking that shines the brightest.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
13 March 2007
Standing in the Sun
We are getting the first signs that Winter has decided to make way for Spring. The calf deep snow in our yard has dwindled to slushy puddles of grey-white crystal and tomorrows temperature is reported to reach the 70's.

As I emerged from the house yesterday afternoon the sun glistened on the receding snow and fell on my face with warmth for the first time since Fall. As a rule I like winter, but that first sensation of warmth gave me a boost I have not felt in some time. My wife will undoubtedly begin her forays into the budding new world, while soon I will enter my constant battle to avoid the extremes of heat that accompany summer. For today, however, I relish the sun and standing in it without feeling hot or humid.
As I emerged from the house yesterday afternoon the sun glistened on the receding snow and fell on my face with warmth for the first time since Fall. As a rule I like winter, but that first sensation of warmth gave me a boost I have not felt in some time. My wife will undoubtedly begin her forays into the budding new world, while soon I will enter my constant battle to avoid the extremes of heat that accompany summer. For today, however, I relish the sun and standing in it without feeling hot or humid.
Photo by Aramis Thorn, Smyrna, April 1998
One of the things I noticed was the first bits of our daffodils poking their way up beside the house. Daffodils are one of the things that scream Spring to me. Soon they will reach up to embrace the sun now on my face and the life cycle will kick into full gear. For now I am standing in the sun, enjoying its warmth and listening to the dripping of melting snow preparing to rejoin the clouds and become Spring rain. I could stand here for a long while but the keyboard calls as some of my characters want a word with me.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
06 March 2007
Schedule Changes
It has been said that when men make plans God laughs. So often it seems that when I make writing plans life gets in the way. It forces one to choose where loyalties lie and how determined they are to write. Currently in our home schedules are in flux and such minor things as meals times and shower access are challenged.
I like things orderly and scheduled. I like to know what happens next. Right now the challenge is to get everything done and still be disciplined in my writing. There is little or no give when it comes to writing. Either you do it or you do not.
In truth no matter what happens next, I must maintain a constant. That constant is that I must write. If I do not then I stray from the path. The other constant is that I must do it and maintain my responsibility to my wife and children. If you propose to write then you must acknowledge that you will spend your life juggling these two constants. Your arms get tired but it is worth it.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
I like things orderly and scheduled. I like to know what happens next. Right now the challenge is to get everything done and still be disciplined in my writing. There is little or no give when it comes to writing. Either you do it or you do not.
In truth no matter what happens next, I must maintain a constant. That constant is that I must write. If I do not then I stray from the path. The other constant is that I must do it and maintain my responsibility to my wife and children. If you propose to write then you must acknowledge that you will spend your life juggling these two constants. Your arms get tired but it is worth it.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
23 February 2007
One Flu in a Cuckoo's Nest
Greetings Dear Reader,
Writing has been blurry and delirious this week. On Sunday evening I felt chilly. One must understand that I rarely feel cold. By Monday morning I had fever, chills, and congestion. My fever topped off at 105 on Tuesday evening. Apparently I held several conversations I do not remember and talked of things both wonderful and strange. My fever broke by Wednesday afternoon but I still feel achy and tired. Unfortunately my wife is just entering the fever stages of this same Flu and I hope she has it easier than I.
I just reread some of the things I typed into my computer during my delirium. They will never see the light of day as they make some of Lewis Carroll's drug induced prose seem like formal writing. The delirium and Flu are departing but in their wake they leave a new perspective on some things.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Writing has been blurry and delirious this week. On Sunday evening I felt chilly. One must understand that I rarely feel cold. By Monday morning I had fever, chills, and congestion. My fever topped off at 105 on Tuesday evening. Apparently I held several conversations I do not remember and talked of things both wonderful and strange. My fever broke by Wednesday afternoon but I still feel achy and tired. Unfortunately my wife is just entering the fever stages of this same Flu and I hope she has it easier than I.
I just reread some of the things I typed into my computer during my delirium. They will never see the light of day as they make some of Lewis Carroll's drug induced prose seem like formal writing. The delirium and Flu are departing but in their wake they leave a new perspective on some things.
- I am sure I drank about 4 million gallons of water, juice, and Propel this week.
- I ate some wonderful Hot and Sour soup from my favorite Chinese place that the owner prepared special for me when he found out I was sick.
- I am still confused about the feed a cold-starve a fever thing. What do you do when you have a cold and a fever?
- Most of all - The writer in me has some real craziness lurking beneath the surface and I should never let it out.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
14 February 2007
A Year Older, An Unexpected Distraction, and a Second Life
Greetings Dear Readers,
This week sees me a year older and a wonderful weekend to show for it. Avalon, my beloved wife planned an excellent birthday for me. We ate well, played games, and I got to spend a great deal of time with her. Many friends were around me and my youngest son, Bezel made a special trip to see me. All said it was a wonderful time and I will cherish it.
We started on Thursday morning with the unexpected rival of Bezel. He came in during my writing time and startled me from my creative reverie. Always a welcome invitation. He and a school chum had drive over night from GA just for my birthday. My sons took me to a favorite Wimpy Bar for lunch and we had breakfast for dinner.
On Friday we went to my favorite diner for breakfast and then to the movies. In the afternoon we played indoor miniature golf and then went to a bar that gives free beer on or near your birthday. In the group of eleven of us that went out for dinner, four of us had birthdays last week. We also had three designated drivers. After dinner we returned to the house and played a wonderful social game called Apples to Apples. Eleven over tired and slightly over indulged adults playing a word game is the perfect recipe for hilarity.
Saturday morning, my actual birthday, we started with bagels and coffee. We saw Hannibal Rising which was surprisingly well done. For dinner we ate at a great local Taco joint and all were satisfied. We spent the remainder of the day sitting around relaxing.
Sunday morning many of us went to church and then to lunch at a new Mongolian Barbecue. It is more upscale and the food was excellent. Bezel and his friend had to depart in the late afternoon for the trip back to GA but it was a joy to see him. Maxim and his intended bride stayed around for a while but Avalon and I went to a friends house for dinner.
Just prior to leaving for dinner on Sunday I felt a sharp jolt in my gums above teeth numbers seven and eight. After a night of extreme discomfort I was honored with an emergency root canal Monday morning. I have one of the best dentists in the cosmos and he made the procedure as bearable as possible. His staff has a unique ability to make one feel safe and genuinely cared for. Thanks to the folks at Dr. Fred's.
The subsequent pain and recovery left me with little brain power for writing so I tried a new venture that I will recommend with caution.
If you have not discovered Second Life, you should give it a tour. It is a virtual world created on line that you can join for free. The world has a real economy and you can be virtually anyone you wish to be. It is self directed and non linear. My Second Life name is Aramis Merlin. Give it a try and look me up if you wish. I am thinking of starting a freelance virtual writing business.
This week sees me a year older and a wonderful weekend to show for it. Avalon, my beloved wife planned an excellent birthday for me. We ate well, played games, and I got to spend a great deal of time with her. Many friends were around me and my youngest son, Bezel made a special trip to see me. All said it was a wonderful time and I will cherish it.
We started on Thursday morning with the unexpected rival of Bezel. He came in during my writing time and startled me from my creative reverie. Always a welcome invitation. He and a school chum had drive over night from GA just for my birthday. My sons took me to a favorite Wimpy Bar for lunch and we had breakfast for dinner.
On Friday we went to my favorite diner for breakfast and then to the movies. In the afternoon we played indoor miniature golf and then went to a bar that gives free beer on or near your birthday. In the group of eleven of us that went out for dinner, four of us had birthdays last week. We also had three designated drivers. After dinner we returned to the house and played a wonderful social game called Apples to Apples. Eleven over tired and slightly over indulged adults playing a word game is the perfect recipe for hilarity.
Saturday morning, my actual birthday, we started with bagels and coffee. We saw Hannibal Rising which was surprisingly well done. For dinner we ate at a great local Taco joint and all were satisfied. We spent the remainder of the day sitting around relaxing.
Sunday morning many of us went to church and then to lunch at a new Mongolian Barbecue. It is more upscale and the food was excellent. Bezel and his friend had to depart in the late afternoon for the trip back to GA but it was a joy to see him. Maxim and his intended bride stayed around for a while but Avalon and I went to a friends house for dinner.
Just prior to leaving for dinner on Sunday I felt a sharp jolt in my gums above teeth numbers seven and eight. After a night of extreme discomfort I was honored with an emergency root canal Monday morning. I have one of the best dentists in the cosmos and he made the procedure as bearable as possible. His staff has a unique ability to make one feel safe and genuinely cared for. Thanks to the folks at Dr. Fred's.
The subsequent pain and recovery left me with little brain power for writing so I tried a new venture that I will recommend with caution.
If you have not discovered Second Life, you should give it a tour. It is a virtual world created on line that you can join for free. The world has a real economy and you can be virtually anyone you wish to be. It is self directed and non linear. My Second Life name is Aramis Merlin. Give it a try and look me up if you wish. I am thinking of starting a freelance virtual writing business.
07 February 2007
Distractions From the Craft
Greetings Dear Readers,
Nothing is so discouraging as the things of everyday life that attempt to distract us from our craft. If it is not household errands or maintenance needs it is getting lost in the necessary research required to do the writing. I thought that I would offer a few tips for writers that I have gleaned over the years. I cannot promise you success if you do these things, but I can promise productivity. Some of this comes from Stephen King's "On Writing." The rest is experience and research I cannot recall.
I have other ideas but will save them as they require further development and more space to properly teach.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Nothing is so discouraging as the things of everyday life that attempt to distract us from our craft. If it is not household errands or maintenance needs it is getting lost in the necessary research required to do the writing. I thought that I would offer a few tips for writers that I have gleaned over the years. I cannot promise you success if you do these things, but I can promise productivity. Some of this comes from Stephen King's "On Writing." The rest is experience and research I cannot recall.
- Read "On Writing" by Stephen King. Read it again.
- Read every day - you must continue to grow if you are going to reproduce.
- Write every day - a writer writes
- Pick a time every day that you will write and only vary it when totally necessary.
- Choose an amount of writing you will do during each session and stick to it. Increase this until it becomes your practical creative limit. I write 5000 words a day (Say thankee Sai King).
- Pick a genera and stick to it. You can dabble in other things for fun but only after you get done with work.
- Have a first reader; someone who will be honest with you but kind and gentle; someone you trust.
- Have a good editor; someone who has no interest in anything but fixing your poor spelling, bad grammar, and plot holes.
- Have a first circle; a group of people who are not fans and will give honest feedback on your work.
- Submit something for publication every week; yea verily every day if possible. It does not matter how much you write if no one reads it.
- Know that you are worth a decent paycheck. Never undersell yourself or your work.
- Pick a date to quit your day job if you have one, and work toward it.
- Watch your diet and exercise. If you allow a job that involves sitting to steal your health you will not be able to accomplish as much and you will not look good on the dust jacket of your book.
- Find a writer's conference that has a track record of helping writers.
- Get an agent when you feel you need one.
- Set up a web site and blog to showcase your work.
- Never quit.
- Let me know when you get published.
I have other ideas but will save them as they require further development and more space to properly teach.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
29 January 2007
The Idea Factory
Greetings Dear Readers,
Authors are often asked where they get their ideas. The answer to that is as varied as the writer being asked. Twice in the last week I been ambushed by a new book idea and had to pour the first chapter and outline from my brain before I could rest.
I almost always write in the mornings but these ideas have both burst forth as night, keeping me up past my bedtime. I am not sure where the writing is taking me but as its humble servant I will follow. The Idea Factory, deep down in my brain, is an evil beast. Unless I listen to the Idea Factory it howls, kicks, and screams like a petulant child. Lately the factory has been suggesting things that I would not normally write. Keep in mind that the Idea Factory's form of suggestion is to cut off all higher brain functions until I meet its demands.
After some polish I will post a tidbit of the new stuff and you can give me feedback. In the mean time, I have other things to attend. So I have a challenge for you folks out there. You tell me where writers get their ideas. I will post the results later.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Authors are often asked where they get their ideas. The answer to that is as varied as the writer being asked. Twice in the last week I been ambushed by a new book idea and had to pour the first chapter and outline from my brain before I could rest.
I almost always write in the mornings but these ideas have both burst forth as night, keeping me up past my bedtime. I am not sure where the writing is taking me but as its humble servant I will follow. The Idea Factory, deep down in my brain, is an evil beast. Unless I listen to the Idea Factory it howls, kicks, and screams like a petulant child. Lately the factory has been suggesting things that I would not normally write. Keep in mind that the Idea Factory's form of suggestion is to cut off all higher brain functions until I meet its demands.
After some polish I will post a tidbit of the new stuff and you can give me feedback. In the mean time, I have other things to attend. So I have a challenge for you folks out there. You tell me where writers get their ideas. I will post the results later.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
25 January 2007
Some Things are Free - E-Sword Bible Software
Greetings Dear Readers,
There may not be a free lunch but thanks to Rick Meyers and his work the Bread of Life is free. In an age where prices rise and everyone wants to make a buck, Mr. Meyers and created and
maintains and excellent web site that offer free Bible software. The link to the right will take you the the e-Sword web page. Here you will gain free access to a free download of the Bible software as well as many translations of the Bible, commentaries, dictionaries, study aids, maps, and other important works of Christian literature. Rick Meyers accepts donations but makes it very clear that his software is free and is not to be sold to anyone. My intent is to thank him for his efforts and encourage you to take advantage of this easy to use packaging of vital literature.
I personally use it daily for study and research. I find it easy to use and invaluable. Thanks Rick.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
There may not be a free lunch but thanks to Rick Meyers and his work the Bread of Life is free. In an age where prices rise and everyone wants to make a buck, Mr. Meyers and created and

I personally use it daily for study and research. I find it easy to use and invaluable. Thanks Rick.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
22 January 2007
Snow and Circuses
Greetings Dear Readers,
With a fresh four inches of snow on the ground and a winter day settling in around me, I dove into this morning's writing with passion. The craft is work and the work is what we craft. I was disappointed to see little interest in the offer of a preview of my new novel but that is not why I write.
I reread some of RJ's notes on my last book and they really pumped me up to push the world in which Foster Father and The Praetor are set. Many of the characters in those books still have things to say. Some of them are calling rather loudly for my attention and I will head them. As I work on Magi, The Judas Scroll, and A Tale of Two Thieves, it is necessary to monitor my continuity carefully. I am trying to do so without be to repetitious. Yet another high wire act for the constant writer. I intend to finish at least two of these this year and hopefully the second volume of Sheetrock. Let me know which title piques your interest and I will post a snippet.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
With a fresh four inches of snow on the ground and a winter day settling in around me, I dove into this morning's writing with passion. The craft is work and the work is what we craft. I was disappointed to see little interest in the offer of a preview of my new novel but that is not why I write.
I reread some of RJ's notes on my last book and they really pumped me up to push the world in which Foster Father and The Praetor are set. Many of the characters in those books still have things to say. Some of them are calling rather loudly for my attention and I will head them. As I work on Magi, The Judas Scroll, and A Tale of Two Thieves, it is necessary to monitor my continuity carefully. I am trying to do so without be to repetitious. Yet another high wire act for the constant writer. I intend to finish at least two of these this year and hopefully the second volume of Sheetrock. Let me know which title piques your interest and I will post a snippet.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
10 January 2007
Welcome Back
Greetings Dear Readaers,
I trust that you Holy Day season was joyus and restful. Thanks to my Wife, Sons, and wonderful inlaws I had a great Christmas and adventurous new year. I am currently filling out my spring tour schedule. On the top of my list is setting up a visit to RJ's wonderful students.
I have started a new book and am going to send hints about it to the first five people who post on this blog entry. Be sure to include your email address in the post.
An adventurous part of the Holy Days was that a couple of days before Christmas, Beorn, our male ferret separated his right front elobe. After spending most of the day at our WONDERFUL Vet, his joint was reset and splinted. He was supposed to wear this splint for fourteen days. Instead he pulled it off on Christmas Eve. To our joy he is just fine. We kept him caged until after the first to protect him from himself. He still favors the leg occastionally but otherwise is his same enegetic self. I am thankful to God for the Christmas miricle of a healthy ferret. It may be the best gift my beloved wife received.
Be sure to take the time to learn something new this year. I am returning to something I used to do. I was once a competative archer and my beloved Avalon gave me a bow for Christmas. We are going to shoot together.
Welcome back.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
I trust that you Holy Day season was joyus and restful. Thanks to my Wife, Sons, and wonderful inlaws I had a great Christmas and adventurous new year. I am currently filling out my spring tour schedule. On the top of my list is setting up a visit to RJ's wonderful students.
I have started a new book and am going to send hints about it to the first five people who post on this blog entry. Be sure to include your email address in the post.
An adventurous part of the Holy Days was that a couple of days before Christmas, Beorn, our male ferret separated his right front elobe. After spending most of the day at our WONDERFUL Vet, his joint was reset and splinted. He was supposed to wear this splint for fourteen days. Instead he pulled it off on Christmas Eve. To our joy he is just fine. We kept him caged until after the first to protect him from himself. He still favors the leg occastionally but otherwise is his same enegetic self. I am thankful to God for the Christmas miricle of a healthy ferret. It may be the best gift my beloved wife received.
Be sure to take the time to learn something new this year. I am returning to something I used to do. I was once a competative archer and my beloved Avalon gave me a bow for Christmas. We are going to shoot together.
Welcome back.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
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