Greetings Dear Reader,
I have a friend, Bill who has a watch that does not
work. He wears it often. I asked him the time one day and he commented
that the watch does not work. He then
went on to tell me that it was a gift from his Bride and that it did not
matter that it did not work.

He does not know how much this impacted me. As I attempt to cement my identity in Christ
his small statement really speaks to me about who I am. Is that now what Christ does with me. I am busted stuff but he still claims me with
pride and sees great value in me. He is
filled with joy that I am his.
I think too often I miss the delight that God finds in me
and instead I see the failure, fears, and brokenness. My Grandfather used to say that even a broken
clock is right twice a day. I spend so
much time tell other broken people that they can become something. I spend my energy showing them their value
and potential. I suppose I need to also remember
that my busted stuff can be used for good.
The broken clock is a
comfort, it helps me sleep tonight
Maybe it can stop
tomorrow from stealing all my time
I am here still
waiting though i still have my doubts
I am damaged at best,
like you've already figured out
I'm falling apart, I'm
barely breathing
With a broken heart
that's still beating
In the pain, there is
In your name I find
So I'm holdin' on, I'm
holdin' on, I'm holdin' on
I'm barely holdin' on
to you
The broken locks were
a warning you got inside my head
I tried my best to be
guarded, I'm an open book instead
I still see your
reflection inside of my eyes
That are looking for a
purpose, they're still looking for life
I'm falling apart, I'm
barely breathing with a broken heart that's still beating
In the pain (in the
pain), is there healing In your name (in your name) I find meaning
So I'm holdin' on (I'm
still holdin'), I'm holdin' on (I'm still holdin'), I'm holdin' on (I'm still
I'm barely holdin' on
to you
I'm hangin' on another
Just to see what you
throw my way
And I'm hanging on to
the words you say
You said that I will
be OK
The broken lights on
the freeway left me here alone
I may have lost my way
now, haven't forgotten my way home
I'm falling apart, I'm
barely breathing with a broken heart that's still beating
In the pain(In the
pain) there is healing In your name I find meaning
So I'm holdin' on (I'm
still holdin'), I'm holdin' on (I'm still holdin'), I'm holdin' on (I'm still
I'm barely holdin' on
to you
I'm holdin' on (I'm
still holdin'), I'm holdin' on (I'm still holdin'), I'm holdin' on (I'm still
I'm barely holdin' on
to you
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer
who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home
owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure