I love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I have as long as I can remember. A perfect one is as follows:
Fresh Sunbeam® bread
Smooth Jiff® Peanut Butter
Smucker’s® Strawberry Preserves
One must make two sandwiches as one is not enough. The peanut butter must be spread thickly,
about a quarter of an inch to the entire edges of the bread. Thank you, Maxim for teaching me to use the
back of a spoon for this instead of a knife.
It is much better suited to the task.

The sandwich must always be fresh. If one is to take them for lunch one should
pack the makings separately and create the sandwiches at the moment. Soggy
PBJ is never a good thing.
Everything I have just written is absolutely the truth…for
me. There are some things that are
essential to a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. They are bread, peanut butter, and
jelly. Anything beyond that is
preference and taste. Some people choose
to eat crunchy peanut butter. Some
people like grape jelly. I have made PBJ
using left over pancakes as bread (this is quite good). The point is that what is necessary to have a
PJB and what we see as a perfect PBJ can be vastly different.
Following Christ is the same way. There are things that are essential for
me. They are simple and direct. I must insist that I believe and do those
things. I cannot say that beyond those
simple things that anything is absolute truth.
How one worships God or how one feels about social issues are not my
concern if those individuals are motivated by love for Christ. I see it as insane that people like chunky
peanut butter. In my mind the existence
of chunks violates the definition of butter.
That does not mean they are wrong.
I must shed the filters of preference if I am to be wholly
set apart to Christ. I must end the
division by promoting Christ, him crucified for my sins, and him risen for my
redemption. I can prefer many things
within that freedom. I can make choices
about how to follow that are mine to live.
I must not demand that others do it the way I do it. If I do I am violating the diversity that
makes creation so beautiful.
A perfect peanut butter sandwich is one that you savor and
that fulfills your joy in eating it. A
perfect way to follow Christ is one that fulfills who he is and who he created
you to be in him.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer
who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home
owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure
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