08 April 2013

My Social Responsibility – Do Something

Greetings Dear Reader,

When Luke begins his continuation of the gospel story he recounts briefly the experience of the apostles with Jesus.  He points out that they are waiting.  This is how he ended his gospel and where he picks up the story.  What they are waiting for is clear in both writings. 

Luke makes it clear that even whilst they are waiting they “had a single purpose.”   They were praying.  They were seeking guidance from God whilst they waited for the promised power.  Over one-hundred and twenty of them gathered knowing that they were to do something.  They did not yet know what.

We know from Jesus that they were to continue the work Jesus had done.  Jesus had set an example for them of how to do this.  He had promised that they would receive the power to do it.  They were instructed to wait for the arrival of that power.  It arrived.

It is clear that as a follower of Christ I am empowered to be active.  Following implies action.  One cannot follow if one does not do something.  Jesus based this command on his own power.  “The freedom to do as I please in both the earth and above the earth has been granted me.  Because of this you must pursue the journey to disciple the entire human family to follow Christ and immerse them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” (ATT)

This is not just a command to covert others to following Christ because he goes on to say so.  I am to “Discourse with others so that you are teaching them to attend carefully to all things I have enjoined you to do.” (ATT)

The gospel as lived out in my life must be socially active if I have any hope of following this final command of Christ.  Christ held discourse on these things after he had worked to change things so he could be heard.  He worked within the religious structure to show them that the purpose of the structure was to actively love others by both meeting their needs and redeeming their souls.  I cannot hope to follow in this if I am content to use only words.  I must make a social difference if I hope to make a spiritual one.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store."

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