20 June 2013

Does God Exist – The Necessity of Faith

Greetings Dear Reader,

One of the things that cemented my belief that God exists is that he did not see the need to prove his own existence to the people he called.  Genesis does not stand as a testament to the existence of God but rather is the report of his interaction with us. 

We all wish for our children to take things we say on faith.  We have times when our children do not understand and we have to ask them to trust us.  Unfortunately we and by we I mean I fail sometimes.  We violate that trust and our children either recover of they do not.  Oscar Wilde said, “Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; sometimes they forgive them.”

God requires faith because we cannot understand him in our capacity without it.  I do not think I would want a God that I could completely codify.  We demand things of him much like a toddler demands things.   One of them seems to be the desire to not need faith. 

I have watched my Son, Maxim lovingly try to reason with my eldest Grandson.  He simply wishes for the child to trust that his father knows best at the moment.  My Grandson wants what he wants and will hear none of it at times.  My Son still lovingly explains things and gives the child the opportunity to develop trust in his father.

Every time I see this it reminds me of the ways in which God asks us to follow him by faith.  I have realized that sometimes I need to forgive God even when I am the one that is wrong.  I do not like that I do not know some of the answers to spiritual matters that plague me.  That is when I am glad that faith is an option.  If I trust God then I know he has things under control (we will discuss sovereignty later). 

I think that the need for faith is what made me understand that God is there and is leading us toward him.  I think that we could not take the full revelation of who he is and endure it in our present state.  I also think that those who saw the power of God revealed still struggled with following. 

We exhibit faith daily.  There are very few things to which we can point to with absolute certainty.  We use faith in our most intimate relationships.  We see others things that make us trust someone but there must be a facet of faith as well.  Since our most intimate relationship is to be with God then there must be a facet of faith to it as well.

Faith is not an absence of reason.  We come to the end of reason in many things and are left with what we believe to be true.  It would seem unreasonable then to think that God would not require faith as well.

The requirement of faith actually gives us some softer ground on which to approach God.  If God fully reveals himself and shows his power we become much more accountable for everything.  That God wishes me to trust him gives me room to grow and learn.

I think that like children we judge God and dismiss him.  We reject that he wishes us to trust him and fail to forgive him for not meeting our demands.  I do not think that man could take the risk of believing that others would cling to something invented just by belief. That I can follow in faith and that this faith can increase is to me sure evidence for me that God is there. 

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store."

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