This part of my life is never easy. I love writing and watching things emerge on
the page brings me a measure of satisfaction.
That said, it is often a painful and frustrating process. Were I able to do so I would only write.

I write stories because I love telling a story. Eventually they take on their own life and I
am enslaved to them until the end. I
hope that my stories raise good questions about things that matter. I hope that they entertain but know that I am
always up to something in those books.
My ultimate goal in every tale is to ask that one see Christ in a new
light and perhaps forge a friendship with him.
My poems are altogether another story (pun intended). They are where I emote my pain and joy. I have written hundreds of them and one or
two are good. I do not share these with
anyone. If you wish to read some good
contemporary poetry buy Stars
Through the Clouds by my dear friend Donald T. Williams. My poetry, since I was very young is meant to
express things that I do not share with others.
It is intended to keep me from bottling up feelings that I would rather
only show to God. I realize that some of
them should be shared with others but I am not there yet. I have to sift through the pile and find the
few gems in the muck. I will get to it
but not yet.
This blog has two purposes.
The primary purpose is for me to be open about my journey with Christ
for others. If you wish to know where I
am or what I am pondering about Jesus, the church, or my own journey, this is a
good place to look. The second purpose is
for you Dear Reader. I hope that I can
spur some thought. I hope that perhaps
you will carry something away that makes your life richer.
I avoid weighing in on some issues intentionally. I am not here to preach or tell others how to
live. I am trying to live my journey
openly without judging others or ridiculing anyone. I do have a difficult time not railing
against bad drivers and people who leave used diapers in parking lots but I
must govern my passions or they will be my undoing.
I am determined to get to the place where the bulk of my
working day is committed to writing. Some
days it seems that I will never get there.
Some days the blank page terrifies me.
Then a comment, a fortune cookie, or especially you Dear Reading will
remind me that someone is listening; someone is reading. Even a single life enriched by what I write
is of value to me.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer
who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home
owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure
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