Dear Reader,
I ponder today what it must be like to have everyone arrayed against you. Then I ponder what it must be like to be in
that position when you are certain that you are innocent of any crime. In addition, you know that you only need
speak the word and legions of unstoppable warriors will come to your defense. You can destroy them but you love them and
will let them kill you.
You take the
rejection, the insults, and the abuse.
You walk the streets that you walked just days ago as a welcome
king. Now you walk through a crowd that
spits on you. You could snuff them out
with a thought. Carrying the cross on
your bloodied back you climb the hill.
Silent you take the nails. The
jeering and abuse continue as you are lifted up to survey the city over which you
so recently wept.
From this
painful perch you can see the city and because you are God you can also see
through all of time. You can see every
moment of sin and suffering. You can see
those who accept then reject you. You
can see all of those who claim to know you and ignore your heart. You can see those who do evil in your
name. You can hear those who curse you
because of the foolishness of some of your followers.
You can see
me and my Children. You know our hearts
and how and when they turn toward and away from you. You can see me in this moment wishing I could
purge all my sin and only be yours to command.
You plead for our forgiveness. Then
time is full. The moment that it is all
geared toward is at hand. Only you can
grasp the pain you feel as the Father turns to allow the final moment. Then, it is fininshed.
Why did it have to be a friend who chose to
betray the Lord?
Why did he use a kiss to show them that's
not what a kiss is for?
Only a friend can betray a friend a stranger
has nothing to gain,
And only a friend comes close enough to ever
cause so much pain,
And why did there have to be thorny crown
pressed upon His head?
It should have been the royal one made of
jewels and gold instead.
It had to be a crown of thorns because in
this life that we live,
For all who seek to love a thorn is all the
world has to give.
And why did it have to be a heavy cross He
was made to bare?
And why did they nail His feet and hands his
love would have held Him there?
It was a cross for on a cross a thief was
supposed to pay,
And Jesus had come into the world to steal
every heart away.
Yes, Jesus had come into the world to steal
every heart away. – Michael Card
Wishing you
joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So
Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of
Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new
and old things from his great treasure store."