We Paid for the Party with our Dearest Blood – To the
Greetings Dear Reader,
Christ is risen; He is risen indeed.

The tomb is empty. The path is clear. I must rise and follow. I wish you Dear Reader a blessed Resurrection Sunday.
Long ago, He blessed
the earth, born older than the years
And in the stall the
cross He saw through the first of many tears
A life of homeless
wandering cast out in sorrow's way
The Shepherd seeking
for the lost his life, the price He paid
Love crucified arose the
risen One in splendor
Jehovah's sole
defender has won the victory
Love crucified arose and
the grave became a place of hope
For the heart that sin
and sorrow broke is beating once again
Throughout Your life
You've felt the weight of what You'd come to give
To drink for us that
crimson cup so we might really live
At last the time to
love and die the dark appointed day
That one forsaken
moment when Your Father turned His face away
Love crucified arose the
One who lived and died for me
Was Satan's nail
pierced casualty now He's breathing once again
Love crucified arose and
the grave became a place of hope
For the heart that sin
and sorrow broke is beating once again
Love crucified arose the
risen One in splendor
Jehovah's sole
defender has won the victory
Love crucified arose and
the grave became a place of hope
For the heart that sin
and sorrow broke is beating once again
Love crucified arose the
One who lived and died for me
Was Satan's nail
pierced casualty now He's breathing once again
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer
who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home
owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure