22 June 2014

This May Sound Silly – The Bible

Greetings Dear Reader,

It is interesting that this came up in discussion with my Sons last night at dinner.  It was on the list of topics for this writing.  I know that people find it ridiculous that I believe the Bible.  There are aspects of this topic that I find silly as well.

Let me first qualify what I believe and then we can discuss what I find silly.  I do believe in the inerrancy of the Bible.  The clearest definition of the inspiration of the Bible comes from Louis Sperry Schaefer; “God so directed the human authors that, without destroying their own individuality, literary style, or personal interest, His complete and connected thought toward man was recorded.”  I believe in the concept of Theopneustos or that the Word of God is “God Breathed.”   It is where the word inspiration comes from relative to the Bible.

This does not mean that I take every word literally or that I ignore things out of the proper context.  My pastor often reminds us that the Bible was not written to us but for us.  It is to be read in the context of its history, people, and culture.  This does not mean that we dismiss truths based on those things.

I have not arrived at this belief lightly.  I have extensively studied how we got our modern translations.  I have chased down discrepancies and resolved contradictions to my satisfaction.  I have read through the entire Bible many times.  It troubles me that so many of the book’s detractors have not.  It troubles me more that those who claim to support do things that make supporting it look ridiculous. 

Some claim that the only translation that is acceptable is the King James Version from 1611.  That is rubbish.  It is a beautiful and poetic rendering but is not singular in its value.

We look unintelligent when we try to make false proofs for the accuracy of the Bible.  Either it can stand on its own or it cannot.  I believe that it does.  We also ignore some of the hard teachings that we do not like.  This too makes us look weak and faithless.  So as silly as you make think it, I believe the Bible with all the burden and import that carries.  Questions?

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn

Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store."

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