05 October 2015

Music that Moves Me – Opening Thoughts

Greetings Dear Reader,

As most of the world turns to raking leaves and pumpkin spiced obsessions I am already focused on the paving stones that lead to Advent.  The preparation for All Hallows Eve, All Saints Day, and All Souls Day mean more to me than Jack-O-Lanterns and Starbucks confections.

To forestall irritating my loved ones I will hold off a bit on reveling in those things here and instead talk about something we all share.  My children and I all love music.  Music soothes, stills, and reminds me.  It calls me to see things more clearly and be what I am supposed to be in every circumstance.

I actually have songs pop into my head as a backdrop to what is going on in my life.  What the DJ in my head chooses often makes things clearer but sometimes she makes things worse. (I know it is a she because there are sometimes voice overs and intros along with the music. {Things such as “And to help you through that dental visit here is the Secret Language of Birds by Ian Anderson.  Fly away on those meds but don’t try to talk to the birds in front of the dentist.})

I view music as one of my best gifts from God.  I can carry a tune and play a couple of instruments.   The notes and words ferret out what is hurting and force me to face.  They can define the core of my joy in good times.  The soundtrack of my life often tells me how I am feeling before I would have figured it out on my own.

I have music that I have with me all the time.  I am going to walk through some of that so that I can honestly assess where it belongs in my journey.  I will share some of my music and discuss how it helps me.  Feel free to interact.  As I always I value your comments Dear Reader.

This sparkling wine is all but empty
Too late for trains and no taxis
I know the feeling, seems all too contrived
There was no master plan but the fact is

You must stay with me and learn the secret language of birds

A tentative dawn about to be breaking
On a Rousseau garden with monkeys in hiding
And the truth of the matter, yet to be spoken
In words on which everything, everything's riding

Now stay with me and learn the secret language of birds
Now stay with me and learn the secret language of birds

Circled by swallows in a world for the weary
Courted by warblers, wicked and eloquent trilling

Lie in the stillness, window cracked open
Extended moments, hours for the taking
Careless hair on the pillow, a bold brush stroke
Painted verse with a chorus, the chorus in waiting

Stay with me and learn the secret language of birds
Yeah, stay with me and learn the secret language of birds

Stay with me and learn the secret language of birds
Now, stay with me and learn the secret language of birds
Yeah, stay with me and learn the secret language of birds

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”

(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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