Greetings Dear Reader,
I often mention the church I attend and my love for it. Several years ago we moved into a new
building that was both expensive and massive.
The electricity of the moment when we had our first service there was
vibrant. The senior pastor started each
of the services there the first day the same way.

I think that the church in the world could make a vast
difference if it showed as much care for its people as it does its edifices. We do not need another gold cross or marble
floor. We need to put all of our
resources into the people that Christ loves.
The stupid human trick is believing that the building matters. It should be clean and safe. It should be used.
I must assure that I never see the edifice as what
matters. It is always the use of it to further
the Gospel that matters.
The Ballad of Peter
Pumpkinhead – Crash Test Dummies
Let’s Begin…
Peter Pumpkinhead came to town
Spreading wisdom and cash around
Fed the starving and housed the poor
Showed the Vatican what gold's for
But he made too many enemies
Of the people who would keep us on our knees
Hooray for Peter Pumpkin
Who'll pray for Peter Pumpkinhead?
Oh my!
Peter Pumpkinhead pulled them all
Emptied churches and shopping malls
Where he spoke, it would raise the roof
Peter Pumpkinhead told the truth
But he made too many enemies
Of the people who would keep us on our knees
Hooray for Peter Pumpkin
Who'll pray for Peter Pumpkinhead?
Oh my!
Peter Pumpkinhead put to shame
Governments who would slur his name
Plots and sex scandals failed outright
Peter merely said
Any kind of love is alright
But he made too many enemies
Of the people who would keep us on our knees
Hooray for Peter Pumpkin
Who'll pray for Peter Pumpkinhead?
Oh my!
Peter Pumpkinhead was too good
Had him nailed to a chunk of wood
He died grinning on live TV
Hanging there he looked a lot like you
And an awful lot like me!
But he made too many enemies...
Hooray for Peter Pumpkin
Who'll pray for Peter Pumpkin
Hooray for Peter Pumpkinhead
Oh my oh my oh!
Doesn't it make you want to cry oh?
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer
who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home
owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure