04 October 2017

Hineni ~ Our Place and Our Time

Greetings Dear Reader,

Yesterday as I was thinking about this part of the journey my friend Doug posted the following on his social media page:

Our door is always open. My house is safe. Coffee can be on in minutes, and the dining room table is a place of peace and non-judgment. Anyone who needs to chat is welcome anytime. There may be laundry to be folded but it can wait! It's no good suffering in silence. I have food in the fridge, coffee in the cupboard, and listening ears, shoulders to cry on and love to share. I will always be available...you are always welcome!! This is an old value that has been lost to technology...a text, face-time, or emoji is not the equivalent of making time for those we love or care about!

Could at least one friend please copy and re-post (not share)? I'm trying to demonstrate that someone is always listening, you are never really alone!

Once again, this rings of the need for us to not only be present but available.  Before my current residence I have always has an open home.  I am working toward being there again.  We need to be available when people need to talk. 

I have seen people in dire need seek out someone who they trust.  They instead of a response of availability and compassion have been brushed aside.  I know at least two people who have walked away from faith because of this.  We must be available when someone needs our ears and compassion.

In contrast I have a couple of friends who show up just to listen.  They come to where I am not to get their needs met but just to invest time in our friendship.  Too often our busy lives keep us from being there for others. 

I know a church that is a very good church.  I do not expect any church to be perfect.  There is, however, a pattern within the pastoral staff that troubles me. I have seen these good honorable men set appointments with those in crisis and something else comes up that causes them to cancel or not show.  I know there is no intent.  I know there is no malice.  The problem is that we cannot make ourselves available in word only. 

Sometimes we hang on long enough to get in front of that friend, pastor, or family member who has said he or she will make time for us only to find that the interaction we need is unavailable.  He or she does not see our level of pain or need.  The impact to us is greater than they imagine.

I must be available, willing, and present.  When you come to speak to me I need to be engaged with what you need.  I must be there when I say I will.  Beyond that I need to create open space where I am available to anyone who shows up.

As a professor I did this with open office hours.  As a manager I did this by leaving open spots on my schedule and my office door open.  I have a friend who has breakfast at a local diner once a week and announces to the world that he is there for anyone who shows up.  It is vital that we be available, open, and present. 

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”

(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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