Often I awake in the wee hours with an idea for a story,
book, or blog post. It may be a snippet of
a line that leads to questions about the line.
It may be a full blown story.
Sometimes it is something that someone said that has incubated in the
pools and eddies of my subconscious to emerge as an idea.
Stephen King refers to the process as “The Boys in the Basement”
doing their work. I have adopted this in
honor of his creativity and the process.
The creative process for me is an interesting one. It is a microcosm of my faith and following.

Every story has values whether I wish it or not. I am accountable to magnify those values that
are good. I must avoid glorifying the
things that are not. I must not judge
others in my writing but instead must extend grace and love. I must bring into captivity every thought so
that my focus in on Christ and the gospel.
This does not mean that every story or vignette must be
about Jesus. It does mean that I must
consider the values that every person in every tale has in the light of
Christ. I cannot fall into the traps of
creating cut out Christians or the abyss of idolizing any kind of evil. I must not hesitate to show my holy
characters as flawed and my villains as human.
Honest writing demands that I see people as they are and not as caricatures.
If I am to pursue writing then I must do it in honesty and
in faith that I am following Christ with that writing. I am accountable for every word. My passion is to tell stories that move
others in the direction of knowing Christ.
The boys in the basement are there to help work on this when I am
working at other things. I am very
thankful for them.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer
who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home
owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure
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