Sometimes I will end the day with thoughts that are
important to get out. Usually I just
write them and put them in my journal folder.
I have chosen that on occasion I will share them with you Dear Reader.
Last night Christmas and I attended our last baseball game
for the season. This is a local team in
a summer college league. It is great
baseball in a lovely family atmosphere.
The tickets are inexpensive and the food is good. The staff is friendly.

Seated in front of us were two young boys with their mum and
dad. It was so much fun to watch these
boys develop a love a baseball under the tutelage of their parents. It was also fun to watch the dad turn into a
little boy for a moment when the “beer batter” struck out making beer two for
one for the rest of the inning.
All that I love about baseball was present in last night’s
game. As summer catches a glimpse of
autumn on the horizon my Braves are in solid command of first place in their
division. I will likely not see another
game in person until spring. I will
follow the Braves closely win or lose.
The investment I made in live baseball this summer has been
wonderful. I was able to see games with
all my children. Both my Grandsons
attended as well. I think that next year
I will attend even more games. It does
something to my spirit to be there that translates into me being better in
other areas. That alone is worth the
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer
who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home
owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure
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