This part of a line from the song touches something so deep
inside of me. It resonates against that place
where the basic binary choices are made in my soul. Some years ago I wrote about this. Those words covey how this relates this to my
life better than anything I have put down since.
Excerpt from The Mound
– Sheet Rock on the Road – Aramis Thorn
The pitcher looks in
and takes his first signal from the catcher.
Their secret language of numbers and motions tells the pitcher what to
throw and the catcher what to expect.
Sequestered in the pitcher’s glove is the ball. He carefully rotates to get the grip essential
to the proper pitch. Carefully adjusting
his footing, he looks in one more time to get his bearings. The stretch and delivery can be ponderous or
lightning fast. Either way the sphere is
launched and the batter must choose.
Like all of life, he as little time to decide but he must decide to
swing or not. From that single binary choice flow a multitude of linear binary
choices. If he does not swing is it a
ball or a strike? If he swings is it a
hit or a miss? If it is a hit is it fair
or foul? Is it a grounder or in the
air? Is it a fly ball or line
drive? Is it fieldable or out of
reach? Is it a home run?

This is why baseball
is sacred. From it I learned about
potential and fair play. My Grandfather
knew there were life lessons in the box seats at Atlanta Stadium and he diligently
passed them along to me with a fair supply of hot-dogs and soft drinks. You never boo the opposition. You always cheer a great play even if it is
the other team. You do not leave your
empty cups in the stands. You are nice
to the vendors. The most important
lesson though is on the mound. Poised
there is the pitcher and the next pitch is imminent. The linear binary will unfold even if no one
but the pitcher acts. It will pass too
quickly to see. This is the definition
of life. Like every pitch, every moment has new potential but only if we choose
to swing.
No batter is every successful by just standing there. He must be a part of things. He must choose when to swing. My Grandson witnessed his first home-run a few
weeks ago. He knew the import of the
moment even at age 2. We all know when
we are faced with chances to make a difference.
We will not if we do not swing.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer
who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home
owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure
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