23 January 2016

Changed by Pickled Beets

Greetings Dear Reader,

We are impacted by things and events in many ways.  Others share part of the journey        with us and when they move on leave their mark.    Some of those marks are good and some are not.  Some of those marks arrive in odd ways.

One of the things I love is pickled beets.  I have had excellent ones and poor ones.  Canned pickled beets are simply wrong.  Homemade ones are amazing.  Bev, a friend who has passed away used to give me a jar or two every year at Christmas time.  They were the best I have ever had.

I has some pickled beets this week that were above average but not great.  It occurred to me that my reference point is the pickled beets that Bev used to give me.  Nothing but my Grandmother’s come close but all are judged by the memory of Bev’s. 

It is odd how we mark the lives of others.  This woman turned beetroot, sugar, vinegar, and spices into a gift of kindness that imprinted my life permanently.   The memory of simple food brings to mind the memory of her life and all the people she fed over the years at her diner.

I need to be aware that even the small things may have lasting impact on others.  I do not know what I will do that will imprint on the memory of someone else.  This is one of the reasons that it becomes vital to assure that I am faithful to love and kindness in even the small things. 

Since I cannot know what others will take to heart I must assure that my heart is loving in all things.  Not all my idle words are idle to others.  A careless response or moment of impatience can mark someone.  I can only temper this if I assure that my idle words are good and gracious. 

Since I am accountable for every idle word I must monitor them to be filled with love and kindness.  As I move through the world I must assure that the memories I leave on others imprint them with good things.  It is my obligation to gift others with sweet memories.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”

(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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