17 August 2017

Eight Ball Answers ~ Without A Doubt

Greetings Dear Reader,

Doubt is a curious thing.  It is one of those creatures that has power only given to it.  It does not live on its own.  It is born and lives in the mind.  It is completely subject to the will.

Faith comes very easy for me.  That does not mean that I do not doubt.  What it does mean; what it necessitates is that I deal with doubt honestly.  I musts acknowledge it when it tries to flicker to life.

I am sure this is one of the things that is meant by bringing every thought into captivity.  It is not wrong to have doubt.  I have spoken of this at length.  How I deal with it, however, can determine my entire future.

No one wakes up on a Thursday morning and abandons faith.  They start earlier by nursing the spark of doubt in the wrong way.  They entreat and nurture it until it becomes an all-consuming fire.  They find a focal point for the doubt and magnify it.  Thursday comes and faith has been added to the fire of doubt.

It is not wrong to doubt.  It is wrong to doubt in dishonesty.  Job makes it clear.  He points out that he will not charge God foolishly.  He will not doubt the goodness of God even amidst the ruin of his life, the loss of his children, and the damage to his health. 

I must let the spark rise from the fire if it tries.  I must also be ready to cling to faith that the Father is good.  The Son is worth following.  Faith is more powerful than all that I see.  Again my friend Job makes it clear, “even if he kills me, it will serve him…even if my body is turned to dust, I will se him in the flesh.”

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”

(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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